Trial Chambers in Minecraft 1.21: All You Need to Know

Every new major update is exciting for the Minecraft community. Everyone is interested in what Mojang, with the help of the players, will add to the game. The Minecraft Live 2023 event was streamed recently and, as expected, it revealed a whole bunch of new features coming to the game with the Minecraft 1.21 update. It’s not an End update nor is it an inventory update, it’s an update about combat and tinkering, with one of the most prominent additions being the Trial Chambers. Today, we will be exploring the trial chamber, a new combat-oriented structure, soon coming to Minecraft. So, get your armor and swords ready, and let’s jump in!

What Is a Trial Chamber in Minecraft

The trial chamber is a giant underground structure. It focuses on providing players with unique and exciting combat challenges. Moreover, the visual style of this structure is nothing like you have seen before in the game. The trial chamber will consist of procedurally generated rooms connected to the tunnels, staircases, and the central corridor.

The corridor is a wide tunnel in the center of the structure, and it will lead to various rooms on multiple Y levels. The thick pillars all around this pathway will easily indicate this location. The chamber is filled with traps, dangers, supply chests, and treasures. Furthermore, you will notice that many of the blocks used in the structure are completely new.

Besides already-known blocks like copper blocks and chains, there are also tuff block variants, perhaps tuff bricks, chiseled tuff bricks, and polished tuff. You will even find more copper block variants, such as transparent copper grates, as well as perhaps chiseled copper. Not only that, the copper block family is being extended even further with copper doors and trapdoors.

Inside of a trial chamber in Minecraft 1.21
Image Courtesy: Minecraft Live 2023

For some of the new copper blocks, both first and last-stage blocks were shown in Minecraft Live. This probably means every single block will go through all four oxidation stages, giving you plenty more building and creative opportunities.

Instead of torches or lanterns, trial chambers use a new light source called Copper Bulbs. These are special light source blocks that emit light depending on the oxidation state they are at. If the bulb is fully oxidized, it will emit the lowest light level. Whereas, if it’s at the initial stage and completely orange, it’ll emit the highest light level.

Similarly to other copper blocks, you can scrape off the oxidation with an axe and revert the copper bulb one stage back. You will probably be able to wax this block too to keep its current oxidation stage and light level. We will have to test it out ourselves once the beta snapshots are released, so stay tuned for more information.

Where Can You Find a Trial Chamber

So far, not much information has been revealed about where the trial chambers actually generate in Minecraft 1.21. Right now, all we know is that they’re present underground and can be located while exploring caves. Will they be similar to Minecraft 1.20’s ancient city structure, as in they will generate deep underground, below a specific terrain feature? We don’t know just yet, but as soon as the snapshots start being released, we’ll make sure to let you know.

Mobs in the Minecraft Trial Chamber

The trial chamber is a structure geared towards combat experience and challenges. Therefore, mobs are one of the biggest and most important aspects of it. For now, we know about two major mob features of this structure: the trial spawner and the Breeze.

Trial Spawner

Trial spawner is a special spawner type found only in the trial chambers. It spawns hostile mobs just like the regular mob spawner, but it also adapts to the number of players that join the battle. More players means a more difficult fight. The trial spawner will give you a hint about what mobs it will spawn based on the blocks surrounding it.

For example, as shown in the Minecraft Live 2023 event video, ice blocks around the spawner indicate that it will spawn strays. Currently, we don’t know what other mobs we can expect, but there will likely be lots of options. Moreover, this spawner spawns mobs in batches, not continuously.

Trial spawner in Minecraft
Image Courtesy: Minecraft Live 2023

Once you defeat all the spawned mobs, the trial spawner will go into the cooldown state, indicated by the smoke particles coming out from the center. Not only that, but it’ll also drop loot for you, in the form of emeralds and diamonds, and possibly some other precious materials too.

You can come back later to the spawner and have another round of battles all over again, thus, bringing replayability and a chance to earn more rewards. Trial spawner is meant to provide you and your friends with an amazing and fun combat challenge, so it’s not as efficient as the regular spawner.

It will take a lot of time to break this block, and you cannot obtain and move it to a different location. All in all, the trial spawner will be a fun challenge, no matter whether you play in the survival world or with your friends.

The Breeze

There’s another challenge in the trial chambers located underground, and it’s a playful hostile mob called Breeze. The Breeze is a new boss-like mob that spawns in trial chambers. It is a unique wind-controlling mob that moves around constantly and jumps from one location to the other. It has a special ranged attack called “wind charge” or “wind burst”. This attack won’t deal any damage if it just bursts and blows things away.

The Breeze mob in the trial chamber structure
Image Courtesy: Minecraft Live 2023

However, it will damage anything that it collides directly with, so staying far away is the best way of dodging the wind charge. In addition, this special attack can even interact with blocks such as levers, buttons, and trapdoors. This makes the Breeze harder to deal with since the rooms in the trial chambers contain these trapdoor trap areas on the floor, where players can get stuck.

Loot Found in Minecraft’s Trial Chamber

The trial chamber contains various different rooms with challenges and loot chests. For now, it’s unclear what loot these chests will hold (as Minecraft devs kept it a secret at the event). Will it be a new rare special weapon? Or perhaps items necessary for crafting some of the cool, new Minecraft 1.21 blocks and items? We don’t know just yet, but we’ll keep updating this article as soon as we learn more details about the next update’s features. So, stay tuned!

Currently, that’s all we know about the trial chamber structure in Minecraft. So, what do you think about this epic battle building? Do you look forward to exploring it with your friends? Let us know in the comments below!
