Top 5 Moze Teams in Honkai Star Rail (Ranked)

Moze is a 4-star Lightning Hunt character, who is a Sub-DPS. He is a decent DPS with an emphasis to Follow-up attacks, and the unique part about his kit is that he can remove aggro while being in the Departed state. If you are planning to pull Moze and are looking for the best teams to play him in, then here is a complete list of the best Moze teams in Honkai Star Rail.

Best F2P Moze Team: Moze-Hunt March 7th-Fire Trailblazer-Gallagher

Best F2P Moze Team HSR
Image Courtesy: Honkai Star Rail

Moze’s best F2P team is quite good but requires two sustains to function properly. As Moze removes the aggro on him when he enters the Departed state, you need someone like the Fire Trailblazer to act as a tank for the team, otherwise, Hunt March 7th gets aggroed down. This team is good for single-target damage output with a high number of attacks. Build this team with high speed and you will be able to clear much of the challenges provided in the game without issues.

4. Yunli-Moze-Hunt March 7th-Lynx (Yunli Counter)

Yunli-Moze-Hunt March 7th-Lynx
Image Courtesy: Honkai Star Rail

Moze is the perfect sub-DPS pick for DPS units that need aggro, like Yunli. He will be one less character in the team for enemies to target, giving most of their attention to Yunli while Moze keeps chipping their health bar from the side. Add Hunt March 7th to the team and Yunli has her lovely disciple to take on multiple enemies with ease. Lynx is the perfect sustain for this team as she can also increase the aggro on Yunli, making this entire team work.

3. Clara-Moze-Topaz-Lynx (Clara Counter)

Image Courtesy: Honkai Star Rail

Similar to Yunli, Clara teams are also great for Moze as she also prefers to have higher aggro. Having Moze alongside Clara will increase the damage output of her time. Adding Topaz to the team will further enhance the Follow-Up attack damage from both Clara and Moze. Furthermore, Lynx is again the best sustain for this team as she can keep aggro on Clara, making her both a damage dealer and a tank.

2. Feixiao-Robin-Moze-Lingsha (Feixiao Assault)

Image Courtesy: Honkai Star Rail

Moze is the perfect 4-star character for Feixiao teams as she unlocks her Ultimate based on the number of attacks made by her allies. Feixiao Assault Team is one of the best teams for Moze, as well as for Feixiao. It features Robin as support, Feixiao as Main DPS, and Lingsha as Sustain, while Moze takes up the Sub-DPS role. This team will perfectly enhance both Moze and Feixiao’s kit, allowing Feixiao to quickly use her Ultimate while Moze chips at the enemy health bar from the sidelines.

1. Feixiao-Topaz-Moze-Aventurine (FUA Assault)

Image Courtesy: Honkai Star Rail

The best Moze team is the Follow-up Attack Assault team of Feixiao. This team is filled with all Follow-up attack characters, making it one of the best teams for Feixiao. Moze acts as a Sub-DPS and Ultimate enabler for Feixiao in this team. With Topaz being a part, Moze can also dish out high damage numbers with his Ultimate and Follow-up attacks. Feixiao will constantly get her Ultimate back in this team, as all her allies can make multiple attacks in turn.

Top 5 Moze Teams in Honkai Star Rail (Ranked)

Top 5 Moze Teams in Honkai Star Rail (Ranked)

Sanmay Chakrabarti

An old soul who loves CRPGs and Souls-Like to death. Takes pleasure in simplifying “Complex and Hard” games for casual players with tailored guides and videos. He loves to explore new places, read fantasy fiction, watch anime, and create wacky character builds in his off time.

Top 5 Moze Teams in Honkai Star Rail (Ranked)
Top 5 Moze Teams in Honkai Star Rail (Ranked)
