This One Piece-Themed Gaming PC Is What Every Anime Fan Need

Even though you might think gamers and anime fans are different breeds, they are alike in more ways than one. As someone who regularly binge-watches One Piece, I am always looking for cool merchandise to buy and showcase to my friends. Imagine my surprise when I found not a figurine but an entire One Piece-themed gaming rig on Reddit this week. And no, I’m not talking about the one from Zomoplus.

A One Piece fan took matters into his own hands and built a beautiful custom One Piece gaming PC for his younger brother. A few days ago, Redditor Blood_Omen posted a newly built custom PC for his little brother to the r/pcmasterrace subreddit. This post went viral among the One Piece fans in the subreddit, as everyone found it a beautiful work of art, which, I agree with.

With Luffy’s Gomu Gomu no Mi’s pattern painted at the front, I can’t stop calling it “Gomu Gomu no PC.” Furthermore, it featured a wooden board on the sides with the legendary bounty posters of our beloved Straw Hat crew. The charred Grandline x Red Line art at the top was a chef’s kiss.

To top it off, Redditor also made a detachable Thousand Sunny figurehead with two USB drives, which rounded off the appearance of this custom-built ship, the same as the Straw Hat’s Thousand Sunny ship.

But what’s more remarkable is that all the aspects of this masterpiece, such as the burnt edges of the poster, the painting of Gomu Gomu no Mi’s design, etc., were all done by hand! This Redditor won the vote of One Piece fans as he poured his heart and love into creating this One Piece aesthetic PC for his younger brother.

In addition, the user stated that he purchased high-quality Noctua fans to reduce the temperature to the lowest possible level and that he left the front and rear panels nearly open for ventilation when asked about the airflow condition.

Besides this beautiful PC, I sure hope they also installed a One Piece theme on their PC! That being said, what do you think about this PC? Let us know in the comments below.
