The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live Release Date Revealed in Teaser

The Walking Dead Teaser

So guys, get yourself together for one of the biggest announcements for the coming year. Earlier today, a brand new teaser of The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live was aired on YouTube and it has made me as excited as I can be for the upcoming show. Rick Grimes is finally making a comeback after all these years. We last saw him in season 9 of The Walking Dead where he sacrificed himself to save his family and has been missing since. Michonne later sets out to find him and we see the last of them in the finale of The Walking Dead. Now, it seems that finally, after so long they are going to unite in The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live.

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live Release Date

In the series finale of Fear The Walking Dead, AMC revealed a new teaser for The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live. By the end of the teaser, it was revealed that The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live will be released on February 25, 2024. In an earlier teaser, we got to see that this series will be revolving around Michonne and Rick where Andrew Lincon and Danai Gurira will be reprising their respective roles. There are a lot of speculations about the upcoming show, where has been Rick all along? Who had captured him? Although we do not have all the answers, I’ll give you some speculations I have further in the article.

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live Teaser Explained

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live Release Date Revealed in Teaser
Source: YouTube/The Walking Dead

If we talk about the timeline of The Walking Dead as of now, it is really difficult to figure out exactly when something happened. However, if we look at it based on release dates, The Walking Dead: Dead City was released on June 18, 2023, and Daryl Dixon was released on September 10, 2023. We can assume that the events of both shows happened in the same order as well. The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live, based on this logic, is set after the events of Daryl Dixon. As far as my assumption goes, by the end of all these spin-offs, the whole team will reunite once again. Since season 2 of all these series is yet to be released, they might set up the reunion of all these characters.

In the teaser, we get to see Rick in a very undesirable condition where he possibly was being held captive by the CRM and somehow managed to escape. Now, he is being hunted down by the CRM forces and is totally on his own trying to find a way back home. Meanwhile, Micchone is looking for him as well, and in certain brief scenes of the teaser, it seems as if Rick and Michonne have united. However, there are two possibilities to this show if we analyze the way The Walking Dead series releases its shows. Michonne will find Rick in the final moments of the final episode of the season in an extremely adverse situation, or as soon as Rick and Michonne find each other, the final episode will end without them engaging in an interaction.

However, what we do know is The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live will have a total of six episodes and the story will possibly extend into a second season. The plot arc of this spin-off is yet unknown to us since The Walking Dead has always been kinda predictable but also extremely unpredictable. This series can turn out to be one of the biggest releases of 2024 if AMC plays its cards right since the relationship between Rick and Micchone is quite literally one of the most anticipated things about the whole Walking Dead franchise and as of now, we will have to wait for February 25, 2024 for some answers.
