The Minecraft Movie Trailer Already Has 1 Million Dislikes!

The highly awaited Minecraft Movie just got its very first trailer and some of us ended up kind of liking it. However, just when things were going well it seemed the review started getting dislike-bombed. As of writing this, the Minecraft movie trailer has a whopping 1 million dislikes on YouTube! So, let’s go over why the trailer got such crazy backlash and how it can be fixed.

Why Did the Minecraft Movie Trailer Get 1 Million Dislikes?

If you watched the trailer then you perhaps can answer this question for yourself. It turns out most people have the same set of complaints and feedback. Terrain and blocks have been done fairly well and most people approve of them. However, that’s where the positive feedback ends.

The mobs in this movie world are over the top for most people including me. I mean, this sheep is just scary. Yes, they aimed at making it goofy and derpy, but it ended up too realistic and terrifying. It’s even been compared to the original Sonic design and for a good reason.

However, the most problematic by far flaw of this movie trailer is the people. They are very obviously green-screened into the surroundings, as they stand out way too much. It seems like Warner Bros. simply wanted well-known names in this movie, but they could’ve just been voice actors and no one would complain.

Yes, a Minecraft Movie should’ve been animated completely in my opinion, as this CGI and live-action mix isn’t really working. Not only that, but the character costumes are ridiculous and Jack Black is playing himself.

What Should Mojang and Warner Bros. Do Now?

So, what can Mojang and Warner Bros. do to make this situation better? Well, they should definitely listen to the community and its constructive criticism. It would be great if they delayed the movie release yet another time and made it animated completely instead of using real actors. This is the main complaint and it makes sense.

Also, they should make the Minecraft world less realistic in my opinion. Not just the sheep, but the furry everything. It’s apparent they did this to match the world with people, but they really don’t need to go that hard and simply make everything more cartoonish. There are a bunch of other smaller flaws, from crafting recipes not existing to too small of an item, but these would be the main fixes.

However, to end on a good note, it’s been leaked that Technoblade will have his own memorial in the film, which is a brilliant touch and we need more of that.

That said, are you surprised that the Minecraft Movie trailer getting over 1 million dislikes? How would you fix this mess? Share with us in the comments below!
