The future of infinite energy?

The future of infinite energy?

From dying cell phones to electric vehicles running out of charge, the limitations of lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries have become an everyday frustration. While these rechargeable batteries last for hours or days, their performance deteriorates over time, requiring frequent recharging.

Now, researchers are exploring an extraordinary solution: radiocarbon-powered nuclear batteries that could last decades—or even longer—without recharge.

Su-Il In is a Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology professor. His work addresses the growing demand for durable batteries, especially as data centers, drones, and remote-sensing devices push Li-ion batteries to their limits.

“The performance of Li-ion batteries is almost saturated,” explains In.

Unlike Li-ion batteries, nuclear batteries harness energy from radioactive materials. These include beta particles, a safer form of radiation that can be shielded with thin aluminum sheets, making them ideal for compact, secure applications.

In and his team have developed a prototype betavoltaic battery using carbon-14, a radioactive isotope that emits only beta rays. Radiocarbon is inexpensive and easy to recycle, but it also degrades at a snail’s pace, potentially powering devices for millennia.

The team’s innovative battery design relies on a titanium dioxide-based semiconductor enhanced with a ruthenium-based dye treated with citric acid. When beta rays strike the dye, this setup triggers a “cascade” of electron transfers—dubbed an electron avalanche—efficiently generating electricity.

A small dye-sensitized betavoltaic cell has radiocarbon on both the cathode and anode, which increases its energy-conversion efficiency. Su-Il In
A small dye-sensitized betavoltaic cell has radiocarbon on both the cathode and anode, which increases its energy-conversion efficiency.
Su-Il In

They further improved the battery’s energy output by placing radiocarbon in both electrodes, which increased beta rays while minimizing energy loss.

Testing showed that their new dual-site radiocarbon design boosted energy conversion efficiency from 0.48% to 2.86%. While less powerful than traditional Li-ion batteries, this prototype has immense potential for long-term applications. Imagine pacemakers lasting a lifetime without surgical replacements, or ultra-sensitive quantum sensors unlocking discoveries.

The implications of this technology go beyond medicine and research. In envisions a world where nuclear energy isn’t confined to remote power plants but safely integrated into devices “the size of a finger.” With further optimization, these batteries could transform everything from self-driving cars to space technologies.

As environmental concerns grow, nuclear energy is shedding its stigma and emerging as a sustainable, efficient solution. In’s work, supported by Korea’s National Research Foundation and other institutions, marks a significant step toward greener energy alternatives—and could redefine the future of power.

In recently unveiled groundbreaking results at the American Chemical Society’s Spring 2025 meeting.

Source: Tech Explorist
