Qualcomm has unveiled its new Snapdragon X series, offering budget-friendly options that are a step down from its previous high-end models. These new platforms will make advanced technology more accessible to a broader audience.
Qualcomm’s New Snapdragon X Plus: Budget-Friendly New Chip
The Snapdragon X series includes three models: the Snapdragon X Plus X1P-66-100, X1P-46-100, and X1P-42-100. The X1P-66-100 features a 10-core CPU, which improves on the X1P-64-100 mainly in its clock speeds. The X1P-46-100 and X1P-42-100, both eight-core processors, differ in performance due to their varying frequencies.
CPU frequencies for these models range from 200 to 600 MHz, impacting their overall speed. The GPU performance also varies, with capabilities of 1.7 TFLOPS or 2.1 TFLOPS. While these figures are lower compared to older, more advanced Snapdragon models, they still provide solid performance for their price range.
These new platforms are intended to help manufacturers create laptops priced between $700 and $900, making high-performance computing more affordable. Qualcomm originally planned to release these platforms in 2025, but they have moved up the timeline, making them available sooner.
Gizchina News of the week
Laptops with these new SoCs are already on sale. However, potential buyers should consider that Intel’s upcoming Lunar Lake CPUs could offer strong competition. With Intel’s new processors expected to deliver significant performance improvements, it may be wise to compare these options before making a final decision.
In summary, Qualcomm’s new Snapdragon X series offers affordable options with notable performance improvements. While they present a good value, keeping an eye on Intel’s upcoming releases could help you make a more informed choice.
Here are the key specifications for the Snapdragon X Plus series:
- Models: Snapdragon X Plus X1P-66-100, X1P-46-100, and X1P-42-100.
- CPU Cores:
- X1P-66-100: 10-core CPU.
- X1P-46-100 and X1P-42-100: 8-core CPUs.
- CPU Frequency:
- Variations from 200 MHz to 600 MHz depending on the model.
- GPU Performance:
- X1P-66-100 and X1P-46-100: Up to 1.7 TFLOPS.
- X1P-42-100: Up to 2.1 TFLOPS.
- Target Laptop Price Range: $700 to $900.
- Release Timing: Available earlier than initially projected, now on the market.
- Competitor Consideration: Potential competition from Intel’s upcoming Lunar Lake CPUs.