Ryan Reynolds Talks About Deadpool’s Role in Avengers Secret Wars

Recently, Deadpool and Wolverine (aka Deadpool 3) came out and became one of the biggest and highest-grossing movies of 2024. However, after the dynamic duo appeared together on screen in Deadpool 3, fans started hoping to see them in some future Avengers project. Now we can’t be sure about Wolverine but Ryan Reynolds has something to say about Deadpool’s future in the upcoming Avengers: Secret Wars movie. So, is Deadpool going to appear in an Avengers movie? Is it going to be Secret Wars?

Ryan Reynolds Speaks on Deadpool Appearing in Secret Wars

Advertising panel for the film Deadpool and Wolverine
Image Credit: Stefano Chiacchiarini ’74/ Shutterstock

In an interview with Variety, Ryan Reynolds was asked about his future with Marvel to which he did not give a direct or clear answer. However, in response to being asked about Deadpool appearing in the next Avengers movie, Ryan Reynolds replied being completely clueless about it. In his comment, Reynolds said,

“I’m not even being cagey, we’ll see what happens there”

So, Reynolds is being super secretive about his appearance — or maybe he does not know. What do you guys make of it? Let us know in the comments!

Can Deadpool Appear in Secret Wars? Evidence Suggests So

If you are reading this, it is pretty evident that you have watched Deadpool 3. And if you have, there is plenty of evidence suggesting Deadpool can appear in an upcoming Avengers movie, presumably Avengers: Secret Wars.

When Wade is taken by the TVA in Deadpool and Wolverine, Mr. Paradox continuously tells him that he is destined for a much bigger purpose in the distant future. This could be a reference to a possible important role in assisting the Avengers take down Doctor Doom. On top of that, we see the clip of Thor crying over Deadpool on one of the monitors at the TVA. When Deadpool notices it, Mr. Paradox tells him that he was not supposed to see this, and it happens in the distant future.

Moreover, Deadpool and Wolverine are now on TVA’s radar and might be called upon by them when Doctor Doom becomes a multiversal threat in Avengers Secret Wars.

All the evidence given to us so far suggests that Deadpool will fit right into an Avengers movie and since Doomsday might be too soon to do that, we can expect him to appear in Secret Wars. So, what do you guys think? Should he be made a part of the Avengers? Do let us know in the comments and stay tuned for further updates!
