NYT Connections Hints and Answers for November 22, 2023

Unless you’re an expert in Zoology and old fairy tales, we doubt you will be able to finish NYT Connections by yourself today. So if you’re a noob like me, then it’s time to keep reading. Join us as we talk about all the hints, hidden categories, and finally, the answers for NYT Connections for November 22. So, without any further delay, let’s begin.

Hint for Today’s Connections Themes

We start by discussing a few subtle hints for the Connections themes today. So check them out below and see if you can guess some of them.

  • Yellow Category – Sometimes hills hold a lot
  • Green Category – We eat fast when we are starving don’t we?
  • Blue Category – All present in a famous fairy tale
  • Purple Category – Animals can be made into words

Additional Hint: Are you into Ornithology?

We wish we could go into more detail in this section, but these hints are the best we can share. They are all related to the categories for the puzzle, so think long and hard before you scroll below to see the exact names. However, if you still can’t seem to solve the puzzle, then perhaps, these tricks to solve NYT Connections could work.

Spoiler Warning #1: While this section included hints for the categories, the next section names them directly. Only scroll down if you finally want the category names.

Today’s Connections Category Names

If you are still stuck with the categories, then maybe it’s better if we just tell you the names directly.

  • Purple – “C” + BIRD

Spoiler Warning #2: We hope you can guess the words now. However, If you still can’t, then it’s time to scroll down. The next section includes the answer for today’s puzzle; you will see all the answers in their categories. This is your final chance to scroll back up.

Connections Answer for November 22

Still can’t solve the puzzle after all the help above? In that case, the answers to today’s Connections puzzle are:

  • AREAS BETWEEN MOUNTAINS AND HILLS – Canyon, Gluch, Pass, Ravine
  • EAT VORACIOUSLY – Gorge, Gulp, Scarf, Wolf
  • FEATURED IN SNOW WHITE – Apple, Bashful, Mirror, Queen
  • “C” + BIRD – Chen, Clark, Cowl, Craven
NYT Connections Nov 22 answer

I actually got halfway through the NYT Connections puzzle before I gave up and lost all my chances. My game started out fine, with me almost immediately guessing the Yellow category. Call it a coincidence, but just seeing the word Canyon took me back to “127 Hours,” and that led to connecting all the other words. I then moved on to the Green category and solved it in the next 3-4 minutes. The extra time I took was only since I didn’t know Scarf also stood for eating like that.

However, this is when my luck ran out. While I could have guessed Snow White, I had no idea about the challenge the Purple category posed. Once I ran out of chances, the game gave me the answers, and I had my NYT Connections for November 22.

What about you? How was your experience with today’s puzzle? Where did you get stuck if you did? Let us know in the comments below.
