NYT Connections Hints and Answers for November 16, 2023

While today’s NYT Connections wasn’t exactly difficult, it did have a strong focus on animals. If you know next to nothing about this subject though, we are here to help. Keep reading as we discuss all the hints, categories, and finally the answers to NYT Connections for November 16, 2023.

Hint for Today’s Connections Themes

We start by hinting at the categories, so we can help you out just a bit. Check out the hints below and see if you can guess some of the word categories.

  • Yellow Category – We all react to nonsense differently
  • Green Category – Sometimes you just need to take charge
  • Blue Category – Animals can roam together
  • Purple Category – Can animals also be great?

Additional Hint: We sure hope you’re knowledgeable about animals

We wish we could go into more detail in this section, but these hints are the best we can share for now. They are all closely related to the categories in question today, so think long and hard before you scroll below to see today’s categories. But if you’re still stuck, then maybe trying these easy tricks to solve NYT Connections could work.

Spoiler Warning #1: While this section included hints for the categories, the next section names them directly. Proceed only if you want to spoil all the four categories below.

Today’s Connections Category Names

If you still can’t figure out the names, then perhaps it’s better if we just tell you the categories in this section.

  • Yellow – BALDERDASH
  • Green – HELM
  • Purple – GREAT _ _ _

Spoiler Warning #2: We hope you can guess the words now. However, If you still can’t, then it’s time to scroll down. The next section includes the answer for today’s puzzle; you will see all the answers in their categories. Scroll down if you just want the answers at this point.

Connections Answer for November 16

Got the categories but still can’t nail down the words? In that case, the answers to today’s Connections puzzle are:

  • BALDERDASH – Bull, Hogwash, Nonsense, Rot
  • HELM – Direct, Guide, Lead, Steer
  • SINGLE/PLURAL ANIMALS – Buffalo, Deer, Fish, Moose
  • GREAT _ _ _ – Dane, Lake, Seal, White
Connections answer nov 16

Full disclosure: I did not solve the first category by myself. I had left my laptop open and came back to my colleague already having figured out the Green category. However, to my credit, it was easy enough for me to solve as well. I took over by solving the Yellow category when I realized the connection between Bull and Hogwash.

While the Blue category was initially difficult, I realized there is a water buffalo. That led me to fish and finally to the answer. Naturally, I had only four words left but had already guessed it in my mind. So I put the Great Seal and Great White together for the Purple category to get the Connections answer for November 16.

What about you? How was your experience with today’s puzzle? Where did you get stuck if you did? Let us know in the comments below.
