NYT Connections Hints and Answers for November 14, 2023

It sure appears like it was a lazy day at NYT, as today’s categories and answers were a nice yet easy jumble of basic things. However, if you still find yourself suffering with a word or two, confusing the categories, then you have come to the right place. Join us as we discuss clues, hidden categories, and finally, the answers to November 14th’s NYC Connections. So, without further ado, let’s go.

Hint for Today’s Connections Themes

If you want to learn about what today’s categories are based on but only through subtle hints, check out these clues first.

  • Yellow Category – Our minds cycle between these all the time
  • Green Category – Ever been to magic shows?
  • Blue Category – It feels nice when you finally acquire something
  • Purple Category – These insects are tiny but strong

Additional Hint: You should watch more magic tricks

We wish we could go into more detail, but these hints are the best we can share in this section. They are all closely related to the categories in question today, so think long and hard before you scroll below. Do you still need help with the categories? Perhaps these simple tricks to solve NYT Connections will help.

Spoiler Warning #1: While this section included hints for the categories, the next section names them directly. It will spoil the four categories for today’s Connections puzzleYou have been warned.

Today’s Connections Category Names

Are you still stuck? In that case, here are the themes for today’s categories for NYT Connections.

  • Blue – OBTAIN
  • Purple – _ _ _ ANT

Spoiler Warning #2: We hope you can guess the words now. However, If you still can’t, then it’s time to scroll down. The next section includes the answer for today’s puzzle; you will see all the answers in their categories. This is your final choice to solve Connections by yourself.

Connections Answer for November 14

Have you finally given up and are ready for the answer? The answers to today’s Connections puzzle are:

  • BIT OF VOCAL FANFARE – Behold, Presto, Tada, Voila
  • BASIC EMOTIONS – Anger, Fear, Happiness, Surprise
  • OBTAIN – Get, Land, Secure, Win
  • _ _ _ ANT – Adam, Carpenter, Fire, Red
Connections Nov 14 Answers

Anyone who has watched enough real or spoof magic shows knows the Presto Changeo goes exceptionally well when combined with Voila. As such, it took less than a minute to get the green category. Basic Emotions by themselves were again relatively easy to understand without any additional hints or Googling.

I then struggled just a tiny bit with making the connection between secure and win. However, when I clubbed it with land, the blue category made sense, and I got that answer too. With only four words left in the puzzle, I combined them to get the purple category and solved NYT Connections for November 14.

What about you? How was your experience with today’s puzzle? Where did you get stuck if you did? Let us know in the comments below.
