New study finds unexpected neurological link

New study finds unexpected neurological link

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects almost 3.5% of adults. It causes difficulty with attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, often starting in childhood and impacting education and social life, with effects lasting into adulthood.

Globally, dementia affects around 55 million people, with nearly 10 million new cases yearly. Alzheimer’s makes up 60–70% of these cases. Studies suggest adults with ADHD have a higher risk of dementia later in life, though the exact link remains unclear.

A study by Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) and the University of Geneva (UNIGE) found that adult brains affected by ADHD show changes similar to those seen in dementia. Compared to healthy individuals, people with ADHD have more iron in specific brain areas and higher levels of neurofilaments (NfL) in their blood—markers commonly associated with early stages of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s.

This research provides initial evidence of a neurological mechanism linking ADHD to a higher risk of developing dementia later in life.

The research team used advanced brain imaging (QSM with MRI) to study iron levels in the brains of 32 adults with ADHD and 29 healthy individuals aged 25–45. They also measured neurofilament light chain protein (NfL) levels in participants’ blood. The results showed clear differences in brain iron distribution in ADHD patients and a significant link between iron levels in the precentral cortex and NfL levels in the blood.

While iron is vital for healthy brain function, too much can damage neurons and contribute to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. This study sheds light on the potential connection between ADHD and long-term brain health.

Professor Paul Unschuld explained that excess iron in specific brain regions is linked to oxidative stress, contributing to neuronal degeneration. At the same time, elevated neurofilament light chain protein (NfL) levels in the blood signal damage to neuronal axons, which is vital for nerve transmission.

Together, increased brain iron and high NfL levels could point to neurodegenerative conditions and a higher risk of dementia in old age.

These findings confirm a connection between ADHD and dementia risk in later life, providing the first insight into the neurological mechanism involved. This breakthrough opens avenues for further research to better understand why ADHD may increase the likelihood of dementia.

Professor Paul Unschuld believes this study could lead to targeted strategies to lower dementia risk in people with ADHD, as lifestyle is known to influence brain iron levels. Further long-term research is needed to explore whether reducing brain iron could prevent dementia in ADHD patients.

The link between ADHD and dementia emphasizes the need for early detection and proactive management of ADHD, not only to enhance life quality but also to protect cognitive health in the long term.

Journal Reference

  1. Jatta Berberat, Sonja M Kagerer, Claudia Späni et al. Brain iron load and neuroaxonal vulnerability in adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. DOI: 10.1111/pcn.13806

Source: Tech Explorist
