Hundreds embrace the holy Orthodox faith during Holy Week and Pascha

U.S.A., May 14, 2024

14 Baptisms and 2 Chrismations at St. Mark Orthodox Church in Rochester, MI. Photo: X 14 Baptisms and 2 Chrismations at St. Mark Orthodox Church in Rochester, MI. Photo: X     

For many parishes throughout the United States and the world, the joy of the Resurrection of Christ was united with the joy of new converts being received into the holy Orthodox Church.

Social media was flooded with messages about mass conversions, especially on Lazarus Saturday and Holy Saturday, meaning hundreds, or perhaps even thousands, of people celebrated their first Pascha as Orthodox Christians this year.

Some parishioners have reported 5-10 people being baptized and/or chrismated at their parishes, some have reported more than a dozen, and some have even reported several dozens of people receiving holy illumination together, sometimes including whole families.

Below are just a handful of the many joyous photos of new converts publicly shared on social media:

Seven converts (more than 35 over the past three years) at St. Innocent of Irkutsk Church in Redford, MI. Photo: X Seven converts (more than 35 over the past three years) at St. Innocent of Irkutsk Church in Redford, MI. Photo: X   

Eight newly illumined at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Salt Lake City, UT. Photo: X Eight newly illumined at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Salt Lake City, UT. Photo: X   

14 newly illumined at a church in Colorado. Photo: X 14 newly illumined at a church in Colorado. Photo: X   

11 newly illumined at Holy Virgin Mary Antiochian Church in West Sacramento 11 newly illumined at Holy Virgin Mary Antiochian Church in West Sacramento     

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