Hubble captured a supernova shining brightly on the galaxy’s bar

NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope recently shared an image of the galaxy LEDA 857074. LEDA 857074 is a barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation Eridanus.

The image also features a supernova named SN 2022ADQZ, shining brightly on the right side of the galaxy’s bar. Astronomers spotted this supernova using an automated survey in late 2022.

The supernova explosion can occur in several ways. One common way is the death of a supermassive star. Once a supermassive star exhausts its hydrogen supply, it starts fusing other elements into heavier ones. This process creates less outward force to balance the star’s gravitational tug inward.

The formation of the heavier elements in the star’s core causes the core to collapse under its own gravity, causing the outer layers of the star to explode in a supernova.

Depending on how massive the star is, the core may end up as a neutron star, which is made only of neutrons, or it may collapse further into a black hole due to its strong gravity. A supernova shining brightly like this has fascinated astronomers for years.

