How to Make a Barrel in Minecraft

Inventory management in Minecraft can be pretty rough. Luckily, apart from the inventory space you have, the game provides a bunch of ways to store your belongings through containers. Among them is one block that’s frequently used in many different scenarios, thanks to its appearance and properties — the barrel. It’s the block we have dedicated this whole guide to, so get ready to learn what the crafting recipe for the barrel in Minecraft is.

Resources You Need to Make a Barrel

To make a single barrel, you will need the following ingredients:

Planks and slabs are fairly straightforward to get. You can break down a log into 4 planks and then place 3 of them in a row on the crafting table to craft 6 wooden slabs.

Crafting recipes for oak planks and oak slabs

Chopping down three logs should give you enough of the required resources, including the crafting table. For making a barrel, you can use wooden planks and slabs of any wood type and also combine them.

Minecraft Barrel: Crafting Recipe

After you make or find some planks and slabs, follow the steps below to craft a barrel in Minecraft.

  • Place the crafting table in your world and right-click it to open its UI.
  • Start this recipe by placing a slab in the central slot of the topmost row.
  • Next, place the second slab in the central slot of the bottommost row.
Different wooden slabs placed in the center slots of the topmost and bottommost rows of the crafting grid
  • After that, you need to completely fill the left and right columns with planks, so only the central slot of the grid is empty.
  • And that’s it. You will now see the barrel item in the result slot on the right.
Completed crafting recipe for a barrel in Minecraft

Alternatively, you can also use the new crafter block in Minecraft 1.21. Most steps are completely identical, with the only difference being the final crafting action. You’ll need to power the crafter once (using a redstone signal) for it to spit out a barrel item.

Where to Find a Barrel in Your World

Barrels can occasionally generate in your blocky world. However, there’s only one location where you will find it in your Minecraft world, and it’s the fisherman houses in villages.

Barrels will regularly generate naturally in these buildings, turning villagers into fishermen. But the villagers cannot get enough of this block, so you’ll even find it in the chests of these houses. There is about a 24% chance that the chest will contain 1-3 barrels inside.

If you reached the end of this guide, congrats! Now you know everything you need to know about a barrel in Minecraft. We’ve included the uses of this block in a separate guide on how to use a barrel. With that, what are your thoughts on this block? Do you like storing items in barrels or would you rather use them for decoration? Let us know in the comments below!

How do you make an open barrel?

You cannot really make an open barrel, at least not in a legit way. Perhaps, due to some glitches in the game, you can obtain this block, but it shouldn’t be possible.

How do you make an oak barrel?

There is only one version of a barrel and it’s the same no matter what wood type you’re using.
