Copper is an amazing resource in LEGO Fortnite, but they do not provide much value if not turned into copper bars. It allows you to upgrade your crafting bench to epic rarity. Furthermore, it unlocks recipes for a rare longsword, epic forest axe, rare shovel, and epic knight shield. If you are unable to obtain this resource, don’t worry as we have mentioned all the methods to get copper bars in LEGO Fortnite below.
Collect Copper and Brightcore
To get a copper bar, you have to start by finding copper and brightcores in LEGO Fortnite. You find copper and brightcores only in the lava caves of the Dry Valley (desert biome). Explore your map to locate some dry and deserted places. Make sure you keep yourself cold to enter this extremely warm environment.
Once you reach there, locate green and bronze-colored stones peeking out from the cave ceilings or walls. Further in the cave, you will see bright yellow brightcore stones near the lava. You can mine both of these stones using the Rare pickaxe to get copper and brightcore.
You will also need blast cores and obsidian slabs to build the Metal Smelter. You’ll find blast cores and obsidians in the lava caves. So, make sure you explore further while you are collecting copper and brightcores.
Build a Metal Smelter
After collecting all the resources from the lava caves, you can build the Metal Smelter. To build a Metal Smelter, you will need 15 brightcores, 35 obsidian slabs, and 3 blast cores.
- Once you have the required ingredients, click the build button (Q on PC, Circle on PS, and B on Xbox).
- Then, select the big grey machine with a whole in the middle and place it on the ground with a click. This is the Metal Smelter.
Craft Copper Bar
- Now, look towards the Metal Smelter and click the interact button (E on PC, Square/ X on consoles).
- Then, select the copper bar recipe and click on quick deposit to input the ingredients. Press the + button (D-pad on consoles) to add the copper and brightcores to the machine.
- Finally, after the processing is done, click the Take option (W on PC, Y on Xbox, and Triangle on PS4/5).
Remember that 1 copper and 2 brightcores will give one copper bar, and you can only deposit a maximum of 30 coppers and 50 brightcores in one go.
Method 2: Get Copper Bar from Villagers
Once you have made a Metal Smelter in your village, you might feel tired of crafting all those copper bars alone. Do not worry as your villagers can help you out while you do your other activities or just sleep. Follow the steps below to learn how to assign your villagers for a metal smelting job.
Assign Smelt Metal Job
- Go to any of your recruited villagers and click the interact button (E on PC, Square on PS, X on Xbox).
- Now, select the Let’s talk jobs! option from the chat menu.
- After that, select the Help the village option.
- From the next prompt, select Refining Jobs.
- Finally, select Smelt Metal to get your villager started on the job.
Collect Copper Bar from Villager
Once you ask a villager to work on smelting metals, they will take some time to produce the required materials. It can take up to two in-game days, around 60 minutes in real-time. To collect copper bars from the villagers, follow the steps below:
- Go to the same villager you assigned the job and click the interact button (E on PC, Square on PS, and X on Xbox).
- Now, select the How’s your job? option from the chat prompt.
- Next, you will see the resources you can get from villagers. Here, select the “Get Copper Bar“ option to receive the resource in your inventory.
Leave the lobby and rejoin it couple of times to fast-forward the process. This trick will not work all the time. A miner villager will work on smelting metal job faster. You can recruit villagers depending on their skills in LEGO Fortnite.
Grab your copper bars and unlock your true weapon potential. So, what are you crafting first with your copper bars? Let us know in the comments below.