How to Enchant Rods in Fisch

How to Enchant Rods in Fisch

Fisch has a wide variety of fishing rods to choose from, be it the beginner Steady rod or end-game Ethereal Prism rod. While some rods deliver excellent stats and are powerful as they come, others may require a boost to make them more efficient and usable. Fisch allows you to boost the stats of your rods using enchantments. So, if you are someone who has fished some enchant relics and are wondering how to use them, learn all about how to enchant rods in Fisch in this guide.

Step-by-Step Guide to Enchant Rods in Fisch

First, we will learn the requirements and the enchant location in Fisch. Then, we will move to the process of enchanting rods in this Roblox game:

Step 1: Get Enchant Relics in Fisch

Enchanting a rod in Fisch is easy and doesn’t require a lot of hassle. All you need is 400 cash and one of the following enchant relics:

Once you have the required cash and any one of the aforementioned relics, you can move to the next step. However, it’s highly recommended to collect as many relics as possible so you can get the most suitable enchantment for your rod.

Step 2: Visit Keeper’s Altar Cave

Having gathered all the required items, head straight to the Statue of Sovereignty. It is located to the northwest of Moosewood at these coordinates: X= 20, Y= 160, Z= -1040. As you reach the island, follow the steps below to reach the place where you can enchant a rod:

  • First, climb the ladder behind the Shipwright to reach the entrance of the Sovereignty Mines.
  • Head inside, and you will find the Cole NPC next to an elevator at the very end.
  • Interact with him to get an Elevator token for 400 cash. Do note, if you try jumping straight down, without taking the elevator, you will fall to your death.
  • The Elevator will take you down to the Keeper’s Altar, the place where you can use enchant and exalted relics.
  • Now, head straight and stand on top of the platform to start enchanting your fishing rods.
  • Statute of Sovereignty Lift NPC Fisch
  • Keeper's Altar Pedestal

Step 3: Enchant a Fisch Rod

Now that you have discovered the Keeper’s Altar, here are the final steps you need to follow:

  • Stand on top of the pedestal at the end of the Keeper’s Altar cave.
  • Equip an enchant or exalted relic depending on the Fisch enchantment you wish to apply to your rod.
  • Once you’ve selected the relic, long-press the ‘E‘ key on your keyboard.
  • This will apply a random enchantment to the rod you have selected right now.
Abyssal Enchantment Fisch
Image Credit: Fisch/Roblox (screenshot by Bipradeep Biswas/Beebom)

Things to Remember When Enchanting a Rod in Fisch

With that said, here are a few things that you should keep in mind while enchanting a rod:

  • When enchanting, the enchantment will be applied to the fishing rod you have equipped on your back at the time of enchanting.
  • Rolling enchantments is chance based. They are applied completely randomly and based on the relic you’re using. Some enchants even apply Fisch mutations to the fish you catch.
  • The enchantment process can only be done during the night. So make sure you have some Sundial Totems on you to change the celestial cycle.
  • There are no chances of getting a particular enchantment twice in a row. However, at times, be ready to struggle to get the enchantment you need.

So, this is everything you need to know about enchanting a rod in Fisch. Have you tried out the new Blessed Song enchant or other powerful enchants like Steady in this fishing game? Do let us know in the comments below!

How to Enchant Rods in Fisch

Bipradeep Biswas

A Computer Science graduate with a passion for gaming, currently specializing in Minecraft and popular Roblox games.

Source: Beebom