How to Change Minecart Speed in Minecraft

Do you think Minecraft minecarts are slow? If yes, then this is the perfect guide for you. Today we’ll show you a useful gamerule command that lets you change the movement speed of minecarts in Minecraft. So, with that, let’s begin learning it right now.

How to Change Minecart Speed in Minecraft

Minecarts travel at a default speed of 8 meters or blocks a second. You can modify this value with a gamerule command minecartMaxSpeed. The syntax looks like this:

/gamerule minecartMaxSpeed

This command requires you to have cheats enabled. So, if you’re playing in a survival world, then you’ll have to enable cheats manually, while in creative mode, the cheats are enabled by default. After you enable cheats, you can either slow down the minecart or speed it up. Let’s see how to do that.

How to Make Minecart Go Faster in Minecraft

Most Minecraft folks want to make the Minecart faster. To do that, you should increase the max movement speed to be greater than 8. This value can go from 9 to 1000. The command you should insert to make the minecart move as fast as possible is therefore this:

/gamerule minecartMaxSpeed 1000

Gamerule command that increases the minecart movement speed

To bring the minecart speed back to default, simply type in the command, and the value you choose should be 8.

How to Make Minecart Go Slower in Minecraft

If you change the minecart movement speed to be lower than 8, then the minecart will move slower than normal. This value can be 1-7, as only whole and positive numbers can be used. So, if you want the minecart to travel at the lowest possible speed, then this is the command you should use:

/gamerule minecartMaxSpeed 1

Gamerule command that decreases the minecart movement speed

Open chat with the T key, type in the command, and press Enter and you’re all done!

That said, that was the simple and quick process of changing the Minecraft minecart speed. This is a very useful gamerule especially if you’re making a cool redstone machine, OP farm, or an epic rollercoaster ride.

So were you able to change the speed for good? Let us know in the comments below!
