Dragon’s Dogma 2 has one of the best combat systems in the RPG genre, and the game is true to the D&D element when it comes to classes, named Vocations in the game series. Each vocation has its special abilities and unique playstyle. There are no bad vocations in Dragon’s Dogma 2, and it all comes down to the combat style preference you have. If you are unsure of which vocation or class to pick in Dragon’s Dogma 2, then we have you covered. Here is everything you need to know about Dragon’s Dogma 2 Vocations.
What Are Vocations in Dragon’s Dogma 2?
Vocations are the classes in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and each has a distinct combat style and unique Skills. In Dragon’s Dogma 2, Vocations are separated into three categories: Base, Advanced, and Hybrid.
- Base Vocations: The Base Vocations are Fighter, Thief, Mage, and Archer. These Vocations are available at the start of the game and players can choose them from the get-go.
- Advanced Vocations: The Advanced Vocations in Dragon’s Dogma 2 are Warrior and Sorcerer. These are advanced forms of the base Vocations, specifically Fighter and Mage.
- Hybrid Vocations (Exclusives): The Hybrid Vocations are Mystic Spearhand, Magick Archer, Trickster, and Warfarer. These vocations are a mixture of the base vocations and are only exclusive to the Arisen (player character).
How Many Vocations Are There in Dragon’s Dogma 2?
Dragon’s Dogma 2 has a total of 10 vocations at launch — Fighter, Thief, Mage, Archer, Magick Archer, Sorcerer, Warrior, Mystic Spearhand, Trickster, and Warfarer. The game might introduce more classes in the future.
Each Vocation has its unique abilities, but some vocations may share Skills and Augments. Hybrid and Advanced vocations share some Skills with their Base vocation counterparts.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 All Vocations (Classes)
Vocation | Type | Weapons | Pawn Support |
Fighter | Basic | Sword, Mace and Shield | Yes |
Mage | Basic | Staves | Yes |
Archer | Basic | Bows | Yes |
Thief | Basic | Daggers | Yes |
Warrior | Advanced | Longswords and Warhammers | Yes |
Sorcerer | Advanced | Archistaves | Yes |
Magick Archer | Hybrid | Magick Bows | No |
Trickster | Hybrid | Ceremonial Sensor | No |
Mystic Spearhand | Hybrid | Duospears | No |
Warfarer | Hybrid | All Weapons | No |
1. Fighter: A Good Blend of Defense and Offence
The Fighter Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2 features very strong defensive attributes and counterattack abilities. Fighters can use one-handed swords, maces, and shields. This vocation provides a good blend of defensive and offensive skills, allowing players to tank through the strongest enemy attacks while dealing good damage with quick powerful blows. If you like being in the thick of the battle and counter-attacking enemies, then Fighter is the perfect choice for you.
Why you should choose Fighter Vocation: Fighters are very tanky and can block most attacks. They can also counterattack enemies after blocking at the correct moment.
Why you should not choose Fighter Vocation: Fighters cannot deal Magick Damage and they either need Magick weapons or elemental boons from mages to deal damage to Physical resistant enemies. They also lack range spells.
2. Mage: Strong Support And Range Skills
The Mage Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is perfect for providing team support while doing strong magic attacks. Mages can heal, provide elemental boons, and cure status effects for allies. They can also use strong offensive spells of different elements. Having a Mage in the party is vital if you lack healing potions and elemental weapons. Mages can also levitate in the air using their core skills.
Why you should choose Mage Vocation: Mages feature strong range spells and can cast different elemental attacks. They have very strong support skills and are important in every party.
Why you should not choose Mage Vocation: Mages are vulnerable to attacks while casting spells. They have low physical defense and health. The casting time for some of the Mage Spells is quite long, which can be troubling in close combat.
3. Archer: Devastating Range Attacks
The Archer Vocation is Dragon’s Dogma 2 specializes in ranged battles with bows and longbows and is perfect for dealing with those pesky flying enemies. Archers can also apply status effects, like Poison and Burn, on enemies using their arrow skills. It is also much easier to target enemy weak spots like heads with Archers, which significantly increases their damage output.
Why you should choose Archer Vocation: Archers have strong Range attacks and can easily target enemy weak spots from a safe distance. They can also apply status effects on enemies.
Why you should not choose Archer Vocation: Archers are weak in close combat and can quickly run out of stamina if you are using the skills unchecked.
4. Thief: Fast, Stealthy and Lethal
The Thief Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2 specializes in quick combat, dodge rolls, and climbing on enemies to deal massive damage to their weak spots. Thief is a light-footed melee vocation and they are perfect for climbing large enemies quickly. The Thief vocation allows dodge rolls, making it perfect for players who like dodging instead of blocking. This vocation also features many stealthy Skills.
Why you should choose Thief Vocation: Thieves are very fast and stealthy. They can easily climb enemies and target their weak spots. Thieves also can roll and dodge enemy attacks.
Why you should not choose Thief Vocation: Thieves, like Fighters, cannot deal with Magick Damage and need magick weapons or elemental boons from mages to deal damage to Physical Damage resistant enemies. They are also weak defensively and lack range skills.
5. Warrior: Knockdown Specialist
The Warrior Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is all about dealing strong powerful hits and knocking the enemies down. Warriors can easily stagger the biggest of enemies with powerful charged attacks. The Warrior also features taunt Skills, which is perfect for drawing aggro and keeping the party safe. If you like knocking big enemies to the ground, charging strong attacks, and jumping into the thick of the battle, then Warrior is perfect for you.
Why you should choose Warrior Vocation: Warriors are very tanky and have a lot of health. They can also easily knock down enemies, and knocked enemies take a lot more damage. Warriors can also carry a lot more weight than other vocations.
Why you should not choose Warrior Vocation: Warriors are very slow and don’t have any way to block or dodge attacks, like Fighter and Thief. They also lack range skills.
6. Sorcerer: Strong Offensive and Crowd Control Spells
The Sorcerer Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2 specializes in offensive magic spells. Unlike the Mage, Sorcerer is all about dealing massive magic damage and only features a few support spells. If you like casting flashy spells with massive damage output, then Sorcerer is the perfect pick for you. Sorcerers can also levitate in the air like Mages.
Why you should choose Sorcerer Vocation: Sorcerers can deal insane damage to enemies with their offensive spells. They also feature many crowd-controlling spells, easily causing chaos in the enemy ranks. And who doesn’t like dropping meteors on enemies?
Why you should not choose Sorcerer Vocation: Unlike Mages, Sorcerers cannot heal and you will only get offensive support from them. They are also vulnerable in close combat and have long spell-casting time.
7. Magick Archer: Strong Ranged Attacks and Support Skills
The Magick Archer Vocation is a hybrid vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and blends the strong ranged attacks of the Archer Vocation and magick attacks of the Mage and Sorcerer Vocations. Magick Archer are known for dealing massive damage, obliterating most enemies they come across. Magick Archers also feature many support skills, like healing and long-distance reviving.
Why you should choose Magick Archer Vocation: Magick Archers are very strong at dealing damage to all types of enemies. They feature strong long-range attacks and can also heal allies.
Why you should not choose Magick Archer Vocation: Magick Archers are weak in close combat and they can also run out of stamina like Archers.
8. Trickster: Pacifist, Amplifier, Scout
The Trickster Vocation is a pacifist class in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and they cannot directly deal damage to enemies. Instead, the Trickster Vocation buffs the damage of the allies and debuffs the enemies. Tricksters also feature many crowd-control skills, and can even fool enemies into jumping off cliffs. They can also astral project themselves, allowing players to scout ahead before engaging in battle.
Why you should choose Trickster: Trickster is for players who like playing as pacifists and trolls with enemies. They have very strong crowd-control skills.
Why you should not choose Trickster: Tricksters are highly dependent on allies and cannot deal damage on their own. It is also hard to use in closed spaces where enemies cannot be maneuvered off cliffs.
9. Mystic Spearhand: Strong Ranged and Melee Skills
The Mystic Spearhand Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2 combines melee attacks with magick, allowing players to be effective in both melee and range combat. Mystic Spearhands specializes in dashing and teleporting, quickly covering the distance between enemies and dodging attacks. They can also use elemental skills and even create a magick double to attack enemies. Mystic Spearhands can also levitate nearby objects (including defeated enemies) and throw them at enemies.
Why you should choose Mystic Spearhand Vocation: Mystic Spearhand has both physical and magic attacks. They can easily dodge and teleport through enemies.
Why you should not choose Mystic Spearhand Vocation: Mystic Spearhand has less health and can be hard to play with as it requires fast reflexes.
10. Warfarer: Jack of All Trades
The Warfare Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a jack of all trades but master of none. This Vocation allows players to use all weapons available in the game and learn different skills from each class. This allows players complete freedom in using the weapons and skills perfect for each combat. One thing to note is that Warfarers cannot use the most advanced skills available in each vocation.
Why you should choose Warfarer Vocation: Warfarer allows complete freedom in a combat scenario, letting players use whatever weapon they see fit for the situation. They can use Skills from all the other Vocations.
Why you should not choose Warfarer Vocation: Warfarer cannot master the Skills of any vocation. It can also get a bit chaotic with all the choices available with Warfarer.
How to Change Vocation in Dragon’s Dogma 2?
Selecting or changing vocations in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is fairly simple. At the start of the game, players will be able to select one of the base vocations — Fighter, Archer, Mage, or Thief. Now, they continue using this vocation and level it up, or change their vocation in the game.
To change the vocation, players will need to find the vocation guilds placed around the World, most likely in the Major Cities. These vocation guilds will allow players to change their vocation and also buy and equip new Skills and Augments, once they have reached a certain vocation level.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 will also have a new Vocation Maister system. Certain NPCs found around the world have mastered their respective classes and are marked as Vocation Maister. Players will need to deepen their relationship with the Vocation Maisters and gain their approval to get access to their vocations. For now, it seems that players can only learn the Hybrid Vocations from the Vocation Maisters.
The Vocation Maisters can also grant Special Tomes with Skills of the highest order. These are called Maister’s Teachings and can only be learned from Vocation Maisters.
All the known Vocation Maisters in Dragon’s Dogma 2:
- Lennart (Fighter Maister): Should be found in the Fortress of Village of Melve.
- Sigurd (Mystic Spearhand Maister): Teaches the Mystic Spearhand Vocation. Its location is still unknown.
- Vermundian (Trickster Maister): Teaches the Trickster Vocation. Its location is still unknown.
How to Level Up Vocations in Dragon’s Dogma 2?
Dragon’s Dogma 2 has two different leveling systems — Character Level and Vocation Level. Vocation Level is the mastery the player or pawn has over their selected vocation. Leveling up Vocations will unlock new Skills and Augments for that specific vocation.
To level up Vocations, simply fight enemies in the open world. The more you fight, the quicker you will level up your classes. In the first part of Dragon’s Dogma, the Vocation points are more related to the number of enemies defeated than the strength of enemies defeated. So, leveling up Vocations is faster by defeating a lot of weaker enemies than a small number of strong enemies. The system should be similar in the sequel as well.