Deadpool In X-Men Origins Wolverine: From First Appearance to Deadpool 3

Deadpool has been one of the most loved characters ever created by Marvel Comics and reading about it, fans could not comprehend why Deadpool did not receive a cinematic debut for so long. Their plea was heard, and Deadpool made his first cinematic debut in 2009 with X-Men Origins: Wolverine. However, the version of Deadpool in the movie instead of making fans happy, enraged them for how bad it was.

From Deadpool’s first appearance in X-Men Origins: Wolverine to Deadpool and Wolverine, the journey has been an epic ride. Let’s relive it.

Deadpool’s First Appearance in Wolverine Origins

Deadpool's First Apperance in Wolverine Origins
Image Courtesy: X-Men Wiki

Ryan Reynolds for the first time played the role of Wade Wilson in X-Men Origins Wolverine. He was displayed as a member of a special team of mutants working on global tactical operations. Later on, by the final act of the movie, he reappears in the final act of the movie as Deadpool. However, this version of Deadpool was highly criticized by fans because Fox Studios took away all the trademarks associated with the character.

Deadpool is widely known as the Merc With a Mouth for his constant jokes, fourth-wall-breaking, and annoying his enemies with his incessant yapping. Well, in this version of Deadpool, his moth was sewed shut taking away his signature characteristic. On top of that, instead of giving him his trustworthy katanas, Deadpool was given unusually long retractable swords, which made no sense. As if this was not enough for Fox to scream out that they had ignored the source material, they gave Deadpool laser eyes and the power to teleport.

People had been eager to watch the live-action adaptation of Deadpool with Wolverine Origins and when they were presented with this, it enraged the fans which played a huge part in the low ratings received by the movie. However, what was the reason for this outrageous and inaccurate representation of Deadpool? Let’s talk about that next.

What Happened to Deadpool in Wolverine Origins

So What Happened to Deadpool in Wolverine Origins?
IMage Courtesy: IMDb

Back in 2009, X-Men Origins Wolverine was a super expensive project with the VFX of the movie handed over the the Special Effects Company Amalgamated Dynamic Inc. In a conversation with Vulture, co-founder Alec Gillis who worked on X-Men Origins Wolverine, revealed all the reasons why Deadpool met such a fate in Wolverine Origins.

Gills said that at this time, Wolverine origins was meant to be the cinematic introduction to Deadpool after which he would receive his very own movie. This made him think that Fox would stick to the source material but the reality turned out to be very different. They were also told that Ryan Reynolds would not be filming the final combat sequence and his stunt double, Scott Adkins would be filming the scenes. Gillis and his team presented the studio with more than 100 ideas for the costume of Deadpool but all his ideas were rejected stating that it was too early in the character’s arc to reveal his comic-accurate suit.

Gillis stated that he and a few other people tried their best to pay homage to the original character but all they got was the diamond-shaped bruise on Deadpool’s face. He also told us why The Wolverine Origins Deadpool did not have the traditional Katanas. He told us that the logic Fox followed was that since he had just been released from the lab, how could he get weapons, so they decided to give Deadpool retractable blades. Gillis stated –

“And when we presented the blades, we of course considered length because, well, how else would he bend his elbow?” The studio’s response? “Well, that doesn’t look cool. Make it longer.” – Alec Gillis

After being relentlessly pursued by the studio, Gillis came up with the mouth flap thing which was approved by Fox. However, when Scott Adkins shot the combat scenes, everyone involved in the project could easily tell that it was not Ryan Reynolds, and hence Ryan was called back to shoot those scenes but the mouth flap thing stayed.

The former VP of production at Fox, Jeff Katz, also talked about the disastrous mouth flap thing of Deadpool on the Geek Generation podcast. He talked about the way this character was mishandled by the Head of Fox. In his statement, Katz Quoted the Head of Fox:

“We don’t want a guy talking during a fight — that’s cheesy.” And this is how he says we deal with it. “The door opens and it’s Deadpool and he’s got no mouth. Wolverine looks at him: “Gee, Wade. Looks like you’re the Merc without a mouth now.”

All of these factors destroyed the charm of the original character and gave us the version that is said to be the worst adaptation of Deadpool ever. However, if you look at it, this adaptation is also the very reason we have the Deadpool we love and adore today. Ryan Reynolds being a massive Deadpool fan since childhood was highly offended by how Fox carried out the character and set out on a quest to give the people a taste of the real Deadpool. After much struggle, in 2016, the first Deadpool movie starring Ryan Reynolds was released and the rest is history.

Now, Deadpool and Wolverine is anticipated to be one of the biggest Marvel movies and it’s none other than Deadpool who is hailed to be the Marvel savior. It’s been quite a journey for Deadpool for stitched mouth with comic inaccurate depiction to the absolutely cynical character who will revive Marvel.
