Creature Commandos is an upcoming superhero animated television show that will kickstart James Gunn’s DC Universe. It is the first television show that will allow us to discover what we can expect from the DCEU’s future projects. So, fans are obviously curious to know when Creature Commandos Season 1 will premiere on their screens. Here’s the answer.
When Does New Episodes of Creature Commandos Come Out?
Creature Commandos Season 1 will debut on Max with the first two episodes on December 5, 2024, at 12:00 am PT/3:00 am ET. The television show has 7 episodes, so the remaining ones will follow a weekly release schedule. Below is the release schedule of Creature Commandos that will allow you to track the debut episodes in your region:
- Creature Commandos release time in the US- December 5 at 12:00 AM PT/ 3:00 AM ET
- Creature Commandos release time in the UK- December 5 at 8:00 AM BST
- Creature Commandos release time in Australia– December 5, 06:00 AM AEST
- Creature Commandos release time in India- December 5, 1:30 PM IST
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Creature Commandos Release Time Countdown Timer
Creature Commandos has been seeing tremendous hype from the DC fanatics as they are eager to know if James Gunn and Peter Safran would be able to rectify the things that went wrong earlier. So, if you are one among such fans who desperately awaits the series, here’s a countdown timer that will help you stay ahead of the curve:
Creature Commandos Release Time Countdown
Where Will Creature Commandos Stream?
Fans in the US can watch the episodes of Creature Commandos on Max and HBO Max. Viewers in the UK can stream it on NOW TV, and India-based fanatics can check out the DC television show on Jio Cinema.
Following the release of the first two episodes, the aforementioned streaming platforms will release new episodes every Thursday until January 9, 2025.