All LEGO Fortnite Weapons and How to Craft Them

Weapons are a must-have in any survival game, and LEGO Fortnite is no exception. The game has a variety of weapons that you can craft to fight enemies. These are further divided into many different rarities depending on the damage and the difficulty of finding resources for their crafting recipes. To make your job easier, we have listed all the weapons you can craft in LEGO Fortnite below. So, keep reading to learn how to craft them and keep the monsters at bay.

Common Weapons

The common weapons are the easiest to craft in LEGO Fortnite. You can find the resources for the said weapons easily around you. Do note that you will need a common crafting bench to craft these weapons.

Image Name Damage Recipe
common shortsword Shortsword 3 5 Wooden Rods
LEGO Fortnite Common recurve crossbow Recurve Crossbow 5 5 Wooden Rods
1 Cord
Common forest axe Forest Axe 2 5 Wood
2 Granite
Common pickaxe Pickaxe 1 (3 on Rocks) 5 Wood

Uncommon Weapons

If you want to progress in the early game, crafting the uncommon weapons will be useful. Weapons like uncommon pickaxes and forest axes help you get marbles and knotroot from the caves of LEGO Fortnite. You will need an uncommon crafting bench to craft these weapons.

Image Name Damage Recipe
uncommon longsword Longsword 5 5 Knotroot Rods
Uncommon recurve crossbow in LEGO Fortnite Recurve Crossbow 7 8 Knotroot Rods
1 Drawstring
Uncommon forest axe Forest Axe 3 3 Bone
3 Wooden Rod
Uncommon pickaxe Pickaxe 2 (6 on Rocks) 3 Knotroot Rods
3 Bone

Rare Weapons

Finding rare resources in the game can be difficult. This makes crafting rare weapons hard in LEGO Fortnite. Furthermore, you will need a rare crafting bench to craft these weapons. However, they are worth it because they deal a lot of damage and help you get epic resources from the caves and other locations.

Image Name Damage Recipe
Rare longsword Longsword 7 12 Copper Bars
Rare recurve crossbow Recurve Crossbow 10 8 Flexwood Rods
1 Drawstring
Rare forest axe Forest Axe 5 5 Cut Amber
3 Knotroot Rod
Rare pickaxe Pickaxe 3 (9 on rocks) 3 Flexwood Rods
3 Sand Claws

Epic Weapons List

Finally, Epic is the highest rarity of weapons in LEGO Fortnite. Most weapons in the epic category need resources such as obsidian or frostpines to craft. Once you upgrade your crafting bench to the epic level, you will see these new recipes unlock on the bench.

Epic weapons also come with maximum durability in the game, which helps you keep them for longer periods. You can also strengthen your epic weapons using the essence that you unlock later in the game.

Image Name Damage Recipe
LEGO Fortnite epic longsword Longsword 9 12 Iron Bars
Recurve crossbow Epic Recurve Crossbow 14 8 Frostpine Rod
1 Drawstring
3 Iron Bar
LEGO Fortnite Epic forest axe Forest Axe 7 3 Copper Bars
3 Knotrood Rods
LEGO Fortnite Epic pickaxe Pickaxe 4 (12 on rocks) 8 Obsidian Slabs
5 Frostpine Rods

All Projectile Weapons in LEGO Fortnite

There are only two throwable or projectile weapons in LEGO Fortnite as of now. You can craft them in any level of crafting bench if you have the resources. The arrow projectile only works if you have a recurve crossbow so keep that in mind.

Image Name Damage Recipe
LEGO Fortnite crossbow arrow Arrow Based on Crossbow rarity 1 Wood
1 Feather
Dynamite in LEGO Fortnite Dynamite 16 1 Blast Powder
3 Knotwood Rod

How to Get Weapons in LEGO Fortnite

Before upgrading your crafting bench for rare weapon recipes, you will need to get raw materials like silk, knotroot, or obsidian. You will also need tools like a lumber mill, stone breaker, and loom to create resources out of them.

These tools cannot be upgraded so you should build them early on and use them further. Now that you have all the tools and resources, you can proceed to the crafting bench. Follow the steps below to learn how to craft a weapon in LEGO Fortnite:

  • First, look at the crafting bench and click the interact button (E on PC, Square on OS, X on Xbox).
  • Now, select the weapon you want to craft from the menu. Make sure you have the required ingredients.
  • Finally, click the craft button (F on PC, right joystick on consoles) to get the weapon in your inventory.
  • Open Crafting Bench in LEGO Fortnite
  • Craft weapon in LEGO Fortnite

So yeah, these are all the weapons you can make and use in LEGO Fortnite right now. However, do note that as more updates roll out, so will new weapons. We will update this list as soon as Fortnite expands the game mechanics and regions. So which one is your favorite weapon in LEGO Fortnite? Do let us know in the comments below!

All LEGO Fortnite Weapons and How to Craft Them

All LEGO Fortnite Weapons and How to Craft Them

Ishan Adhikary

A nerd when it comes to games. Sharing thoughts, opinion and stories about games is my ultimate goal. Valorant, Fortnite, COD and Roblox is where I stay around but I might end up in your Minecraft or Dota 2 lobbies. A huge fan of Sports and Music. Stories are my thing so occasionally read a lot of books or watch movies or series.

All LEGO Fortnite Weapons and How to Craft Them
All LEGO Fortnite Weapons and How to Craft Them
