All 9 Wolverine Variants in Deadpool 3

The much-awaited threequel in the Deadpool franchise, Deadpool and Wolverine, is now in theaters and is blowing the minds of comic book fans all across the globe. When Deadpool begins his mission to save the world, he decides to induct some help from a friend, i.e. Wolverine. That is one of the key highlights of the initial few minutes of this movie as it features the appearance of multiple variants of Wolverine. So, find out about all the Wolverine variants you will see in Deadpool 3!

Spoiler Warning:
This article includes spoilers about the characters and story of Deadpool and Wolverine. Proceed with caution.

1. Logan

logan - wolverine variant
Image Courtesy: Marvel Entertainment

After beginning his search for a reliable companion to save his timeline, Deadpool first comes across the Wolverine variant from X-Men. Yeah, the same Wolverine that was seen sacrificing his life to save X-23 (played by Dafne Keen) at the end of Logan (2017).

Now, don’t worry, Ryan Reynolds and his team did not resurrect the old man, and we don’t see him in the flesh again in Deadpool and Wolverine. Instead, in the most Deadpool manner, the Merc with a Mouth desecrates Logan’s body by digging out his body. All that remains of Logan in this movie is an adamantium skeleton, which Deadpool uses to fight TVA agents.

2. Comic Accurate Wolverine

When Deadpool begins his search for a Wolverine to help him save his world, the second place he lands in is a bar where he comes across a rather short Wolverine. Some might think that this was just for gags but the truth about this might surprise you.

In the X-Men movies, Hugh Jackman portrays the role of Wolverine even though he is 6 feet and 3 inches in height. However, in the comics, Wolverine is a short dude with a height of 5 feet and 3 inches. So, in truth, the short Wolverine is the most comic-accurate representation of Wolverine in the live-action series so far.

3. Weapon X

weapon x - wolverine variant in deadpool 3
Image Courtesy: Marvel Entertainment

The next stop Deadpool makes brings him to a shabby-looking Wolverine who has lost one of his hands. This version of Wolverine is from an alternative storyline where Wolverine teamed up with Magneto and lost one of his hands while fighting Cyclops but can still use his claws.

In this reality, he got married to Jean Grey and also fought against Apocalypse. Later on, he gave himself the name of Weapon Omega and called himself the heir of Apocalypse. Eventually, when he became a massive threat, he was killed off by Jean.

4. Patch

wolverine patch
Image Courtesy: Marvel Entertainment

Patch is an alternate identity or alias used by Wolverine. He took up this identity of wearing an eyepatch and a white formal outfit to infiltrate the island of Madripoor and investigate the crimes going on there. He did this to prevent the involvement of the X-Men.

He drank, gambled, and smoked with the high society of Madripoor and everyone there only knew him by the name of Patch.

5. Old Man Logan

Old Man Logan is the next Wolverine variant Deadpool bumps into. This is a more scruffy variant of Wolverine from Earth-807128 created by Mark Millar and artist Steve McNiven. In Deadpool 3, this Wolverine variant can be seen sitting on his front porch amidst a mountain region. Though Old Man Logan is said to have given up arms and remains secluded, he shot Deadpool on sight in the movie.

6. Uncanny X-Men #251: Crucified Wolverine

Uncanny X-Men 251 Crucified Wolverine
Image Courtesy: Marvel Entertainment

Later on, we see Deadpool travel to a timeline where he sees Wolverine crucified on a huge cross (X) in an extremely tormented state. This has been taken from the cover page of Uncanny X-Men #251 titled “Fever Dream.”

In this comic issue, Wolverine can be seen captured by anti-mutant extremists called The Reavers who are torturing Wolverine by hanging him on the huge X. In his semi-cautious state, Wolverine is hallucinating and seeing events from his whole life.

7. Brown & Yellow Wolverine

Another one of the Wolverine variants shown in Deadpool and Wolverine for mere seconds is John Byrne’s Wolverine with the brown and yellow costume, which is comic accurate too. This movie is a fever dream for Marvel comic fans as it pays homage to the very first appearance of Wolverine in the comics.

In this segment of the movie, Deadpool arrives in front of the Brown and Yellow Wolverine but is interrupted by the Incredible Hulk. While Hulk smashes our beloved Merc with a mouth out of his way, we sadly do not get to see him brawl with Wolverine.

8. Cavillrine


The next variant we come across is the most hyped variant of Wolverine, who Deadpool calls Cavillrine. We see DCU’s most popular superhero, Superman, join the MCU as a mutant with claws made of adamantium.

On meeting, Henry Cavill’s variant of Wolverine looks at Deadpool, instantly draws his claws, and stabs him through the time door. This version of Wolverine is hard to figure out from the comics and maybe was added just for the sake of bringing in Cavill.

9. The Worst Wolverine

All Deadpool Variants
Image Courtesy: Marvel Entertainment

Finally, Deadpool comes across the Wolverine who he takes along with him to the TVA. There Mr. Paradox tells him that he has chosen the worst Wolverine of them all and tells Deadpool that this variant of Deadpool is the one responsible for the demise of his entire timeline.

However, as it turns out, this variant of Wolverine teamed up with Deadpool and saved the entire multiverse from being destroyed by Cassandra Nova.
