When it comes to Icebox, Valorant players have always been divided. Although the map is balanced regarding strategies and tactics, the right agents can make this map easy and comfortable. Icebox went through a couple of changes to be less one-sided. This made the map hard for many to figure out. If you’re among the ones who don’t know how to play it properly, keep reading for the ultimate Icebox map guide in Valorant.
Valorant Icebox Release Date and Location
Icebox was first introduced in the game on October 13th, 2020, during Episode 1, Act 3. However, the map underwent minor changes until v8.0, when it got a massive overhaul. This was when the map joined the Valorant maps list rotation again. According to the official Valorant lore, Icebox is based in the homeland of Sova in Russia.
Icebox retained the ascenders or vertical ziplines from the beta map Split. Similar to Split, using the walk button while using them will help you get up or down to elevated places without making noise.
Moreover, the specialty of Icebox is its horizontal zipline. This is the first map to feature the horizontal zip in the game. Although there is only one in the entire map, it is very impactful. Icebox is full of elevated places but has many corners and choke points. So, not every player likes this map in their ranked games.
Icebox Minimap Layout Overview
Icebox is a three-lane map, but the layout differs from traditional tactical maps. The entry points from the attacker’s spawn to both sites are far and full of obstacles. The Attacker spawn in Valorant Icebox will guide A site through the belt and nest while it connects B site through crane and yellow.
However, the primary focus of Icebox is the mid-area and kitchen. Both these locations connect attacker and defender spawns through a faster route. The mid area is also closer to both the sites as both sites are visible from the mid under the tunnel and broiler.
There are two different nest and rafter areas on both A and B sites. You can reach the nest using the ziplines or ascenders. A site has an additional nest that connects with A belt and A main.
Icebox can seem like a small map, but it is like a one-way route. Every lane meets multiple corners or obstacles before it ends at a point. So, it is better to learn the bumps and off-routes before you find a boogeyman under the kitchen.
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Valorant Map Icebox: Callouts
Icebox is a difficult map in terms of spotting enemies properly. That is why knowing the important callouts on the map is important.
Icebox A site Callouts
A site has two parts in Icebox; let us start with the entry section. A main to A site callouts are:
- A Main
- A Nest
- A Belt
- A Cubby
- A Pipes
The plant location callouts for A site are:
- A Box
- A Raftars
- A Zip
- A Site Nest
- A Screens
- A Top Screen
Icebox Mid Callouts
The simple yet important callouts for Icebox mid area are:
- Mid Pallet
- Mid Broiler
- Kitchen
- Tunnel
- Mid Blue
Icebox B site Callouts
B Site entrance of Icebox is complicated; the front view callouts from here are:
- Green
- B Cubby
- Yellow
- B Default
- Ascender
The backside of the Icebox B site is simple, and the major callouts here are:
Best Agents for Icebox Map in Valorant
Icebox is a map full of reacting and adapting to the situation. Despite what you plan before the game, the map will change it completely. However, one thing that never changes is including Jett in your lineup. Jett goes perfectly in Icebox as she can use the operator on defense in almost every off-angle. You can also get a Raze with the Jett for more utilities to learn corners but Jett alone will do.
To excel in the information department, Sova is the best bet for the map. He is ideal for any team composition on Icebox. However, Gekko can be a great alternative as he also provides the solid plant advantage using the Wingman.
Sage or Killjoy are perfect for Icebox as sentinels. While Killjoy provides more defensive prowess, Sage provides valuable plant and defuse cover. Picking both in the team is not a bad choice either.
To complement this team comp, pick Icebox’s only dominant controller, Viper. You can go with a Clove or Omen along with her but Viper is a must. With that said, here is a rundown of the best agents for Icebox in Valorant:
- Jett
- Sage
- Sova
- Gekko
- Viper
- Killjoy
- Clove
- Omen
Best Icebox Map Tactics and Strategies
Icebox is a map that can throw a curveball at any time. It is always nice to stick together and play default in this map. While attacking, take more information about the site. On the defensive half, delaying the plant is an important factor. Outside of these common tips, here are some tricks you can use to capitalize on your round wins in Valorant Map Icebox and guide your team to victory:
1. Use Different Sage Walls
One of the best use cases for Sage in Icebox is how differently you can utilize her wall. On the attacks, you can use it to block opponent entry points, retake points, or common vision. However, you can use it as a barrier to plant the spike.
You can keep the wall for the spike defuse work on the defensive side. Furthermore, the wall is great for blocking entry points to the site or mid-tunnel. Overall, the Sage wall goes perfectly on Icebox.
2. Go for Mid Lurks
While we do not recommend lurks on most maps, Icebox is a good exception. In this map, you can easily spot the site from mid. This allows you to get your team a solid backup if you are holding the mid-rotations for the enemy.
The lurk strategy works better in Icebox because the map enables Viper. As Viper is ideal for lurking while assisting the team with her abilities, you should try this often.
3. Play Safe Post-plants
Speaking of assisting the team, while Viper is great at lurking, she is also perfect for post-plant situations. You can backstab during post-plant or simply through the spit on the spike to delay defuse. Viper’s Ultimate is also ideal on Icebox, as it covers most of the site area.
Agents like Sova, Gekko, and Killjoy are also ideal for this post-plant strategy on Icebox. Using abilities like nano swarm, shock dart, and moshpit is a perfect denial of spike plant or defuse. So, keep them for the right moment.
4. Be Aggressive on A Site
One of the best ways to dominate Icebox is how aggressively you go on the defensive half. The A side of Icebox is made for aggressive peekers. So, if you are playing Jett, you can utilize your dash to get first blood and dip to safety.
As an operator or outlaw carrier, Jett, you should always hold aggressive off-angles on A site. Even if you do not spot an enemy, this will help you determine their early whereabouts in the game.
That was our complete guide to the Icebox map in Valorant. What do you think about the map’s impact on competitive games? Do you think it should be in the rotation? Share your thoughts in the comments below.