How to Block Emails on Gmail (2024)

If you are here, you are probably very tired of having those uncountable newsletters and suspicious emails flood your Gmail inbox. In that case, you can simply block these emails and make your Gmail as clean as a hound’s tooth. Additionally, you can also unsubscribe to these emails to stop receiving them or even report fraudulent ones for Google to look into. This article will show you how to go about carrying out these actions as well. With that being said, here’s a complete guide on how to block emails on Gmail.

Blocking Emails on Gmail

First and foremost, let’s take care of how to block emails on Gmail before getting into anything else. Moreover, it is pretty similar across the web version and mobile apps.

On a Web Browser

  • Head over to Gmail on your desired web browser and open a mail from the sender that you want to block.
  • When in the mail, you will see a three-dot menu adjacent to the sender’s name on Gmail. Click on it.
Three-dot menu adjacent to sender's name on Gmail
  • Then, from the list of options, you will see the option to Block [“Sender’s name”]. Click on it.
Confirmation to block someone's email on Gmail
  • You will see a confirmation window next, where you have to click on Block once again and, that’s it!
Confirmation to block someone's email on Gmail

On the Android and iOS App

The process to block an email address is pretty similar on Android and iOS as well. The Gmail app interface is also similar on both the platforms. So, I used an Android device in this case, to take you through the process.

Whether you are on the Android or iOS app for Gmail, you will see the same three-dot menu adjacent to the sender’s name. Tap on it and select Block [‘Sender’s name’]. Next, tap on Block again in the confirmation window and that’s it. You will see a grey panel, stating that the sender has been blocked.

Blocking an email on Gmail mobile app

Unblocking Emails on Gmail

Don’t worry though. Blocking emails is not a permanent action, and can be reverted. Besides, you can unblock emails on Gmail through both the web browser and mobile apps. With that being said, take a look:

On a Web Browser

  • Head over to Gmail on your desired web browser and click on the settings cogwheel icon at the top right section.
Settings cogwheel icon on Gmail
  • Then, select See all settings.
See all settings on Gmail web version
  • In the next page, from the top, spot and go to the Filters and Blocked Addresses panel.
  • Here, at the bottom, you will find all the email addresses that you have blocked so far.
  • Adjacent to these email addresses, you will see an unblock button in blue. Click on the button adjacent to the email addresses you want to unblock.
Filters and Blocked Addresses in the Gmail web version
  • Or, if you have blocked too many email addresses and want to mass unblock a couple of them, select All from the sorting menu under the addresses.
  • Then, you can uncheck the ones you don’t want to unblock.
  • Next, click on the Unblock selected addresses button at the very bottom.
List of blocked email addresses on Gmail
  • Then, in the confirmation window that pops up, hit Unblock again.
Unblock email addresses confirmation window

On the Android and iOS App

If you are on either the Android or iOS mobile app versions of Gmail, mass unblocking is not possible. Instead, you will have to retrace your steps and find the emails from the email addresses you have blocked, manually. Then, as you find and get into these mails, you will see a dedicated Unblock sender button in a grey panel. Simply tap on it to unblock the sender.

Unblock sender on Gmail mobile app

Unsubscribing to Emails on Gmail

Blocking is probably the last resort. Before blocking a sender on Gmail, you can also choose to unsubscribe to the sender’s emails. That will also solve a lot of your problems. So, if you want to do unsubscribe instead, here’s how to do it on the different platforms:

On a Web Browser

  • Open an email from the sender that you want to unsubscribe to.
  • Then, right beside the name of the sender, you will notice the Unsubscribe button highlighted in blue.
Unsubscribe button on Gmail web version
  • Click on it and on the confirmation page, tap on Unsubscribe. That should instantly unsubscribe you. However, some senders require you to head over to their website to unsubscribe. In that case, you will see a Go to website option instead.
Unsubscribe confirmation window

On the Android and iOS App

If you are on the Android or iOS Gmail app, just like on the web browser, you will see the unsubscribe button right beside the name of the sender.

Unsubscribe button in Gmail Android app

For the emails that you don’t see this dedicated Unsubscribe button, you can simply tap on the three-dot menu in the topmost right corner and use the Unsubscribe button from the list of options.

Unsubscribe to an email on Gmail on Android through the menu

Reporting Emails on Gmail

Alongside blocking and unsubscribing to email addresses, you can also report them. Sometimes, some senders can go overboard with emails, and you can report them as ‘spam’. Reporting mails as spam will move them to your Gmail’s Spam folder. So, automatically, these emails won’t be bothering you anymore with notifications every now and then. Here’s how to report emails on the web and mobile app versions of Gmail:

On a Web Browser

When on your web browser, navigate to the email address on Gmail that you want to report. Once you open a mail from the particular email address, you will see the Report spam exclamation icon at the topmost panel. Simply clicking on it will report the email and move it to your Spam folder.

Reporting an email as spam on the web Gmail version

In addition, on the web version of Gmail, you can also report a mail as a phishing attack. To do that:

  • Click on the three-dot menu adjacent to the sender’s name on Gmail.
Three dot menu adjacent to a sender's name on Gmail
  • Then, select Report phishing from the options.
Reporting an email as phishing attack on Gmail web version
  • Finally, in the confirmation window, hit Report Phishing Message and that’s it.
Report Phishing confirmation window on Gmail web version

Once you report an email as a phishing attack, it is reported as that and moved to your Spam folder as well.

On the Android and iOS App

  • Head over to the mail that you want to report and then, tap on the three-dot menu at the topmost panel in the right corner.
  • From the available options, tap on Report spam. That will instantly send the reported mail to your Spam folder.
Report spam on Gmail Android mobile app

If you have accidentally reported an email as spam or a phishing threat, simply head over to your spam folder -> select the email -> Report not spam. You can do so on both your web browser and the Android/iOS mobile apps.

Reporting as not spam on Gmail Android mobile app

With that, we have finally reached the end of this guide. I hope this detailed how-to solved all your problems. Now, if you are looking to delete your Gmail account altogether and make a fresh new start, you can check the in-depth interlinked guide for the same. Now, if you have any other related queries or run into any problems, drop a comment down below and I’ll get back to you!
