Tekken 8 patch notes visual guide shows off changes made from new update in action

Tekken 8 patch notes visual guide shows off changes made from new update in action

Although the game has only been out for a few weeks at this point, Tekken 8 received its first update last night that actually changed a decent amount of stuff around.

There are of course the physical patch notes themselves to read over, but these Tekken update visual guides help showcase what the adjustments actually were in action.

Rooflemonger has put together a great new video for that going through the update in the game itself with demonstrations and examples that’ll hopefully clear up any confusion or things that weren’t quite clear from the notes.

Devil Jin is first up to bat with Rooflemonger showing how his Hell Sweep now has less range and reduced damage though he still thinks it’s a pretty decent move even after the nerfs.

Jun and JACK-8 got their corner confirms toned down with the former losing one of her most damaging follow-ups while the robot’s can be safely fast back-rolled out of for a potential big punish.

He gives us a glimpse at how Reina’s forward movement was improved as well though at the same time her Electric War God Kick faced some adjustments to reduce it’s knockback on block to almost make sure she loses her turn plus made it able to be countered with reversals.

Dragunov, Leo, Leroy, and Nina also have their changes on display and some additional thoughts from Rooflemonger about the update / changes overall and what’s coming down the pipeline.

If you’re looking for a much faster breakdown of the patch notes, Mixbox|Applay also made a nice visual guide as well quickly going over the most important changes too.

You canc check out the full video from Rooflemonger below.
