How to Make a Hopper in Minecraft

For a farm to be automated, it should take care of generating resources, converting them into items, and then collecting them. The first two requirements depend on the farm and the specific resources. However, every farm has something in common, and it’s gathering the items. So, in this guide, we’ll be talking about the hopper, a main component of every collection system, and how you can make it in Minecraft.

What You Need to Make a Hopper

Hopper is only accessible to the players through crafting. Luckily, the recipe is quite simple. All you need are the following items:

  • 5 Iron Ingots
  • 1 Chest
  • Crafting Table

You will find iron ingots in your Minecraft world in various structures or can smelt raw iron to get it right away. The latter is a more reliable method, so we suggest you go for it. Raw iron is a drop from iron ores, which you can locate easily with our ore distribution guide.

A chest can be crafted with 8 wooden planks or found in various places. The crafting table is a basic utility block that offers a 3 x 3 crafting grid, which you need to craft a hopper.

How to Craft a Hopper in Minecraft

When you have the necessary ingredients, follow this crafting recipe to make a hopper in Minecraft by following the steps below:

  • First, place a crafting table in your world and right-click on it.
  • Now, place the chest in the center slot of the crafting grid.
  • Next, place three iron ingots in the crafting table, with the first on the left of the chest, the second to the right of the chest, and the third below the chest.
Chest in the central slot of the grid and two iron ingots on either side of it, as well as one below it
  • Finally, place two more iron ingots in the first row, right above the ones on each side of the chest.
  • The hopper item will now appear on the right, which you can drag and move to your inventory.
Crafting recipe for a hopper in Minecraft

You can also use a crafter in Minecraft to make a hopper. However, this will require you to power the block with a redstone signal for it to spit out the hopper item.

That’s it for this guide. Hopper is one of the most important redstone components in Minecraft, so learning to make it is essential for building almost any farm. With that, don’t waste time and go and make a hopper in your world right away!

Does a hopper need Redstone?

Hopper does not require redstone dust for you to craft it or to use it. But if you want to lock the hopper, you can power it with a redstone signal.
