Trailblazer’s New Bed Is Booby-Trapped for Sleepy Heads in Honkai Star Rail 2.7

Honkai Star Rail developers are well known for their excellent humor. We have found memes or funny encounters, whether it be the iconic Wardrobe in Belobog, or the countless interactable Trash cans. However, the version 2.7 may have the funniest interaction in Honkai Star Rail so far, and it is related to the new Trailblazer’s room, particularly the bed. The new bed has some really funny interactions, one of them even force closing your game. Curious? Read below to find out all about it!

The New Bed is Booby-Trapped for Sleepy Heads

One of the biggest highlights in the Honkai Star Rail 2.7 version is the Home Decor event, which finally adds a room for the Trailblazer. It has been a meme for a long time in the community on Trailblazer sleeping on the couch, as every other member of the Astral Express had a room prior to version 2.7. Although it was an oversight from the developers, which they did admit jokingly during the 2.7 Livestream, they funnily twisted the story to gaslight us into believing we forgot about our room for all this time.

This leads to the start of the event where we finally start decorating our room and adding furniture, which starts off with a nice and cozy bed.

Sleep option in Trailblazer's Bed in Honkai Star Rail
Image Credit: Hoyoverse/Honkai Star Rail (screenshot by Sanmay Chakrabarti/Beebom)

Surprisingly, this nice and cozy bed is also booby-trapped by the HSR developers for those players that like to procrastinate a bit too much, or is Pom-Pom behind it? Whichever the case, after placing down the bed and decorating a bit of the room, if you try to sleep on the bed again, you will see the infamous “[?] Sleep” icon, and we all know that ‘??’ icons often lead to hidden quests or funny interactions in HSR.

Sleeping Until The End of the Universe, Literally

Sleep until the heat death of the universe Honkai Star Rail option
Image Credit: Hoyoverse/Honkai Star Rail (screenshot by Sanmay Chakrabarti/Beebom)

After interacting with the option, you will get three options for the length of your sleep:

  • A little while.
  • Sleep as long as I can.
  • I’m so sleepy! I’m going to sleep until the heat death of the universe!

As a normal human being, I obviously had to choose the third option — “I’m so sleepy! I’m going to sleep until the heat death of the universe!”. Turns out, it actually makes you sleep until the heat death of the universe. After picking this option, you will be greeted with this funny message:

No one can wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, and no one can wake up a Trailblazer who has made up their mind to sleep. Maybe this is also a kind of trailblazing on the concept of sleep duration.

This is followed by the hilarious credit roll, which has been used as a joke through the Penacony missions, followed by another funny message — “May this journey lead us starward. Let me sleep a little longer.” And after that, the game literally closes and restarts by itself. I have tried to recreate this scenario twice, using both my accounts and it happened both times.

Sleeping for too Long can Cause Sleep-Walking

Sleep As Long as Possible option Honkai Star Rail
Image Credit: Hoyoverse/Honkai Star Rail (screenshot by Sanmay Chakrabarti/Beebom)

Although, closing the game because of the ‘universe’s end’ is funny, that’s not where the joke actually stops. After restarting the game, you can actually try to sleep again on the same bed. But, this time you don’t get the ‘sleep until the heat death of the universe’ option.

However, you can pick the “As long as possible” option instead. Picking this option will teleport to the Storage Room of the Herta Space Station, with a message that “sleeping for too long can induce Sleep Walking”.

Sleepwalking in Honkai Star Rail
Image Credit: Hoyoverse/Honkai Star Rail (screenshot by Sanmay Chakrabarti/Beebom)

I personally found both these options hilarious, and wanted to share it with you in-case you miss it. Tell us what you think of the little funny interactions added by the developers in Honkai Star Rail. Also, take a look at Sunday’s build if want to make him an absolute powerhouse support for your team. Other than that, also take a look at our HSR codes list, which features the newly released codes for version 2.7.

Trailblazer's New Bed Is Booby-Trapped for Sleepy Heads in Honkai Star Rail 2.7

Sanmay Chakrabarti

An old soul who loves CRPGs and Souls-Like to death. Takes pleasure in simplifying “Complex and Hard” games for casual players with tailored guides and videos. He loves to explore new places, read fantasy fiction, watch anime, and create wacky character builds in his off time.
