You’re almost dead, cornered, 0-drink Jamie, and Bonchan’s full health Akuma is coming for you… here’s what you do

You're almost dead, cornered, 0-drink Jamie, and Bonchan's full health Akuma is coming for you... here's what you do

The jury is still out when it comes to exactly how strong Akuma is in Street Fighter 6, but his obviously powerful abilities and popularity among many high level players like RB|Bonchan is evidence enough to say he’s likely among the best in the game. Jamie, on the other hand and despite numerous buffs, remains a low tier hero who boasts some flashy combos and clear potential, but has yet to make things come together in meaningful ways.

These two characters clashed at the ongoing Japanese Street Fighter League as CAG|Uryo (Jamie) took on Bonchan (Akuma) in an explosive set. Though momentum was clearly on one side going in, the unlikely winner turned that around right quick and finished things off in quite the dramatic display.

It’s really easy to lose in Street Fighter 6. You can be doing everything right only to make one bad call and suddenly find yourself cornered and forced to make a guess with unfavorable odds, and that being wrong about could cost the round. The good news is this game also gives you the tools to get out of such situations, given you’re skilled, smart, and lucky enough to implement them correctly.

That’s the kind of display Uryo put on during the third and final round of the second match against Bonchan, an opponent with a formidable record as the Evo 2019, Red Bull Kumite 2015, and SFL Japan 2022 champion.

We join the action during the final moments of the climactic clash as Bonchan has just landed Akuma’s level three Super on Uryo, leaving him cornered with with about 5% health to deal with a full health foe. To make matters worse, Uryo has not taken a single success drink in the round yet, meaning Jamie is in his absolute weakest form.

After a few pokes, Bonchan goes in with a Drive Rush-enhanced jab, but Uryo times a Perfect Parry and suddenly tosses Akuma into the corner. The positioning has changed but Uryo still has a mountain to climb as he must not only land a multiple hits without taking any damage himself, but almost must choose between doling out damage and taking drinks to level Jamie up if and when he scores those hits.

Akuma’s one true weakness is his lower than average health, however, and should Jamie somehow land a Critical Art combo, he just might be able to steal victory out of the jaws of defeat:
