Yasuyuki Oda gives parameters for how another SNK crossover with Tekken could happen

Yasuyuki Oda gives parameters for how another SNK crossover with Tekken could happen

It comes down to timing and discussions

Yasuyuki Oda gives parameters for how another SNK crossover with Tekken could happen

King of Fighters 15 and Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves producer, Yasuyuki Oda, was asked if the company has any more crossover plans with Tekken in the future. While Oda doesn’t outright state anything is in the works, he offers the parameters that SNK looks at when considering to do a crossover.

Geese Howard was added as a playable character into Tekken 7 back in 2017, and SNK has had a tremendous amount of character crossover appearances, like Terry Bogard and Mai Shiranui in Street Fighter 6, and Terry also showing up in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. SNK is often considered to be the kings of crossovers in fighting games.

Famitsu: Outside of Street Fighter, for example with something else popular like the Tekken series, do you think there’s any potential to do more crossovers there?

Oda: First of all, we don’t have any general plans of ‘wanting to collaborate with other games’. If there’s something we want to do, we go through various discussions about it, but since it’s between two different companies, it has to fit timing-wise for both which makes it difficult to actually realize.

Famitsu: But there’s no lack of will from your end.

Oda: That’s right. But there has to be merit for both sides. If the timing doesn’t add up, it’s going to end up being a detriment, and for players they’re also going to say ‘There’s still so many of your own characters we want to see, why are you adding ones from other games?’, right? Trying to balance that is quite difficult, I think.

A handful of months back, Oda spoke about having plans as far as Season 3 for Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, so it’ll be interesting to see if we get some crossover characters in SNK’s latest game, later on down the road.

Translated by Nicholas “MajinTenshinhan” Taylor via Famitsu.

Source: Event Hubs