World’s best Marvel vs. Capcom 2 player Justin Wong has been trolling online players, here are 6 hilarious examples

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World's best Marvel vs. Capcom 2 player Justin Wong has been trolling online players, here are 6 hilarious examples

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 is back with a vengeance as the nearly quarter century old title is suddenly seeing a ton of play time thanks to its inclusion in the recently released Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics, and the best player on the planet to ever touch the game, Justin Wong, immediately jumped online.

With so many newcomers about (as well as seasoned players… it doesn’t seem to matter much when you’re facing Justin Wong) the storied fighting game player has been absolutely destroying opponents in the most stylish and degenerate ways possible. We’ve rounded up a handful of these brutal beat downs for your viewing pleasure.

A whole new generation of players are experiencing Marvel vs. Capcom 2 for the first time, and a handful were immediately gate kept by Justin, who uses the name “Wazzler15” online. We recently ran a story highlighting the handful of players who lost so hard they actually tried to refund the game after running into the menacing Wazzler.

This may sound like a bit of an overreaction at first, but watch the following clips of Justin going ham on unsuspecting (as well as a few suspecting) foes and let us know if you still feel the same way.

He admits it himself right in the post, this might be the most degenerate way of playing MvC2. Zangief has a super that grants him armor and basically turns him into mecha-Gief. If you attack him in this state, he still takes damage, but the hit animation is negated and he can power through your offense with attacks of his own.

Justin activates said super, and then spams Gief’s jumping splash attack until his opponent’s entire team is dead. The giddy cackle at the end absolutely makes it:

You know when you get an idea for a flashy finish while playing and decide to devote all resources to trying to land said flashy finish on your opponent? That can easily end in a loss, but here Justin makes it his goal to close out the round with a single whack from Kobun’s giant mallet smash.

The whole situation is hilarious as he marches ominously toward his opponent with the oh-so not intimidating servbot. It may have taken a minute, but JWong always gets his man:

Magneto is a busted character in seemingly every fighting game he pops up in. One of the many reasons he’s ridiculous in MvC2 is this infinite that, as Justin “discovers” mid-round, was not patched out of the Collection:

Reports of Justin’s debauchery quickly started circulating on fighting game social media, and he was quickly challenged by fellow veteran player Infinite. Here’s how the very first round of their set went:

Here Justin takes advantage of an unintended bug that made it into the Collection as you can cause your opponent to freeze in place with Venom. You can keep them in this state as long as you want (meaning if you’re winning you can time them out) but Justin isn’t THAT mean, he just let’s them know they have no chance and ends their suffering fairly quickly thereafter:

This next sequence looks like it surprises Justin, but we can never be sure he’s not trolling us and knew exactly what was going to happen the minute he started the combo. In any case, he bounces his opponent all about the screen, timing his juggle perfectly so that they bounce off of Jill’s flaming zombie and die a fiery death:
