Woman allegedly set herself, infant, and toddler on fire amid 'humiliation' of paternity test

Woman allegedly set herself, infant, and toddler on fire amid 'humiliation' of paternity test

ORLANDO (TCN) — A 27-year-old woman is facing murder and attempted murder charges for allegedly lighting herself and her two young children on fire, killing one of them.

According to an arrest warrant, on Aug. 26 at 6:26 p.m., Orange County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a call on Hiawassee Oaks Driveabout a fire involving an adult woman and two children. When deputies arrived, they found the Esther Thelus with burns to 50% to 60% of her body, her 8-month-old son with burns on 80% to 90% of his body, and a 2-year-old with minor burns. Medics transported all three victims to a nearby hospital. Officials wanted to transfer the infant., Davinci Joseph, to another hospital in Gainesville, but he “was not stable enough to transport.”

Joseph died from his injuries on Oct. 25. The warrant says the 2-year-old is expected to make a full recovery.

A detective spoke with Thelus’ roommate, Brunel Hosty, who said on the morning of the incident, Thelus left to drop her 2-year-old son at his father’s house. She apparently wanted to relinquish custody of the boy to his father, Jefferson Mignon, because she had plans to move to Fort Lauderdale with her infant. When Thelus got to Mignon’s house, he and his mother “questioned the legitimacy of the child and suggested Esther Thelus complete a DNA test to prove Jefferson Mignon was the father of the child before he assumed responsibility.”

Thelus reportedly left the child with Mignon, but the boy’s grandmother dropped him off shortly thereafter because she said she “would not care for the child until it was certain” that Mignon was the child’s father. Not long after that, Thelus went to a 7-Eleven about a mile away, and when she came back, Hosty’s daughter yelled, “She’s killing the kids! They are all on fire!”

The roommate reportedly saw someone carrying a “badly burned” Joseph as other passersby helped Thelus. Hosty asked Thelus about her motivation, and she allegedly responded, “It’s too much humiliation.”

Detectives executed a search warrant at Thelus’ home and reportedly located a gas can, lighter, cellphone, and towel in the driveway and on the street.

According to the warrant, Thelus “killed her youngest child, Davinci Joseph, by soaking him in an accelerant (suspected gasoline) and igniting him on fire.”

The store clerk who sold Thelus the gasoline told WESH-TV, “I kind of have PTSD because I feel bad, and it happened in my store. Everything was provided from my store.”

Thelus is facing charges of first-degree murder and attempted first-degree murder. She is reportedly still in the hospital.


  • Affidavit for Arrest Warrant
  • Mother charged with murder in gas fire that killed her child, injured another in Orlando – WESH
