Woke Sports Illustrated Tells All Employees They’re Fired!

Woke Sports Illustrated Tells All Employees They’re Fired!
‘Go woke, Go broke… strikes again’

After 70 years, Sports Illustrated magazine is reportedly set to lay off almost all of its print and online employees.

The announcement comes on the heels of The Arena Group, the company publishing the magazine, missing a $2.8 million payment to the Authentic Brands Group (ABG).

ABG purchased Sports Illustrated for $110 million in 2019.

Arena sent an email to employees on Friday, stating, “Some employees will be terminated immediately, and paid in lieu of the applicable notice period under the [the union contract]. Employees with a last working day of today will be contacted by the People team soon. Other employees will be expected to work through the end of the notice period, and will receive additional information shortly.”

The magazine’s union also issued a statement Friday, promising to fight for the workers and urging the company to continue publishing issues.

For decades, the sports publication dominated American media and became a staple in popular culture, including its famous annual Swimsuit Edition.

However, woke ideology being forced on readers may have been enough to put the company out of business, as many people pointed out the magazine recently began promoting fat women and trannies.

Popular 𝕏 account Wall Street Silver wrote, “How it started: Sports Illustrated put a trans dude in a swimsuit on the cover of their 2023 annual swimsuit edition. How it’s going: All of the staff at Sports Illustrated was fired today. Go woke, Go broke … strikes again.”

Alex Jones recently went on a rant about how the establishment uses sports to distract the masses from the increasingly dystopian society being created around them:
