You are a man now that should be enough reason why. The high school and college days may or may not be over, but don’t dress like it. If you don’t care about you nobody else will. As superficial as it may seem, it’s everything on the outside that matters first. When you meet an individual for the first time most of us make a quick judgement about that person within the first 15 seconds. People are attracted to people who care about themselves and look good. Have you been told to dress to impress or dress your best when you go to a job interview. It’s because you understand the value of first impressions.
We are emotional beings and clothing is how we express ourselves, in a sense of who we are. Clothing is our second skin, and you should feel comfortable and look good in them. Women have manipulated how clothing makes them feel, and what it can get them for centuries now. Men have only recently started to fathom this same concept. Always be the best you. You first have to care about what your wear before you can get the respect your looking for from others. It’s our human nature to criticize others. We all judge on first sight, so give yourself an advantage and care about how you look.
The law of attraction is the name given to the maxim “like attracts like” which in New Thought philosophy is used to sum up the idea that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts a person brings positive or negative experiences into their life. This belief is based upon the idea that people and their thoughts are both made from “pure energy”, and the belief that like energy attracts like energy. What are you trying to say and attract with your clothing?
Before I started my blog and new path in life I didn’t care about how I looked. For that fact I never put much thought into the choice of clothing that I wore everyday. I would tell myself what I wear is what I wear. That was a terrible way to look at dressing, not caring. From my 20’s to my 30’s nothing changed about how I dressed. I was still dressing like I was in high school. Once I decided that how I saw myself wasn’t the image I was seeking, things almost seemed liked they changed overnight. People started taking me more serious, they gave me more respect, and treated me important. I had created an attraction towards myself.
You have to give a DAMN if you want other people to. Most of the time people dress the way they think they should. You can tell a lot about a person based on what they wear. I’m not being shallow, let me elaborate. If someone dresses well you know, they care about themselves, they pay attention to detail, they value time because it takes time to dress well. These are attributes that are produced from caring about how you dress.
If your thinking you would like to change your look or that you do care how you look, but you don’t know where to start. This is good. You have made a decision to start caring about how you view yourself. This next part will be painful. Go to your closet and get rid (donate or give to someone) of the clothes that are holding your image back. Break the emotional attachment with the clothes that haven’t gotten you any where and don’t look good. It will be much easier to start dressing better from this point forward.