Why we must Influence our Destiny to Soar High —By Eugene Upah

Why we must Influence our Destiny to Soar High —By Eugene Upah

Eugene Upah|28 July 2016|8:45AM

Success, they say, is neither magical nor mysterious, but the natural consequence of consistently applying basic professional fundamentals without allowing competition to rule us and defining oneself based on a point of view.

The secrets of influencing one’s success and holding firm to it is contained in The Principles of Success, as authored by the legendary American author and impresario, Napoleon Hill. These principles are anchored on how to grasp ones luck or destiny. Some basic factors that can help a man attain success are: definitiveness of purpose, applied faith, going the extra mile, personal efforts and initiatives, positive mental attitude, self-discipline, enthusiasm, concrete and focused reasoning, and a very sound cosmic habit force.

Faith, as the most powerful asset known to humans, is moved by another mind, the habit of trying. This is why a mastermind; a positive mental attitude is vital for success. Sometimes, strange things happen in our day to day lives which we never envisaged for. One’s ability to arrest and quickly proffer lasting solution to such an occurrence is the vitality that makes him/her stand out. Ever heard of some powerful men in the days of Yore, who killed elephants with just their caps? This was real and no magic or a figment of the imagination. These are the handiworks of applied faith.

Defining one’s purpose in life is the starting point of achievement. It is after locating one’s purpose that will-power, powered by self-discipline, accomplishes any human purpose in life. The human mindset can absorb any idea(s) put to it, whether the idea in itself is self-sufficient or not, it is the mental duty of the aspirant to channel good thoughts towards his set objectives.

At our private times, we must always make out space for self-meditation. Self-meditation involves a silent one-on-one relativeness with a person’s inner instincts; it has the ability to equip one with certain faculties that can enable him fulfill his God given purpose; it inspires a man more than any advice given to him by a counsellor. Defining one’s purpose in life, is the first key strategy of a genius. Every genius in life knows exactly what he/she wants from life and  moves straightaway for it. So, defining your purpose helps you to specialize. Our success in life can be greatly influenced by our specialization.  We must begin at our route course to enable us attain the path of success.

Eugene Upah
Is a Motivational Speaker