While searching for Floyd, a Mortal Kombat 1 player unintentionally stumbled onto another secret that hadn’t been documented before

While searching for Floyd, a Mortal Kombat 1 player unintentionally stumbled onto another secret that hadn’t been documented before

While searching for Floyd, a Mortal Kombat 1 player unintentionally stumbled onto another secret that hadn't been documented before

The fighting game community and Mortal Kombat fans everywhere have been hard at work trying to unravel the mystery that is the pink Floyd ninja in Mortal Kombat 1. Players have now confirmed officially encountering him in-game without the use of mods, but while this search has been happening one player appears to have stumbled onto another hidden Easter egg that we hadn’t seen before.

Footage of what has been claimed to be the first documented Toasty! Easter Egg in Mortal Kombat 1 has now been recorded and shared, and it is exactly what it sounds like it is.

This classic “Toasty!” first appeared back in Mortal Kombat 2 and started as an inside joke between the game’s development team. It would go on to become an actual thing that players could find in game, and when delivering a particularly hard-hitting uppercut, you’d have the chance of seeing an image of sound designer Dan Forden’s face pop up in the bottom right portion of the screen as he said “TOASTY!” in a high falsetto voice.

Apparently, the same notification can be found in Mortal Kombat 1 (the modern game, not the first in the series). Avid Mortal Kombat modder, fan, and the driving force on finding Floyd, TheThiny, shared the clip of the Toasty! happening, which was uploaded by Twitter user LKM | Plupil.

Thiny had this to say about this newly recorded secret.

“The first documented Toasty Easter Egg in MK1! I realized I never posted the requirements,” Thiny wrote. “Get hit by a burning toast bread modifier.”

This burning toast modifier is one that shows up randomly in the Towers of Time. When it is in play, you can see a series of small toasters strewn across the stage that fire, well… a piece of burning toast up that eventually fall down and hit the fighters as they’re doing battle.

As Thiny says, if you’re hit by one of these pieces of toast, that same image of Dan Forden will pop out in the bottom right portion of the screen, and like he does in the old games he’ll fire off a falsetto “Toasty!” for your troubles.

The footage of this hidden Easter egg can be found on Plupil’s Twitter account, though we are unable to share the clip itself, it seems. To see it, be sure to click through the tweet below, and just underneath the tweet you’ll find a screenshot of the Toasty! notification in Mortal Kombat 1.

Hidden Easter egg discovered in Mortal Kombat 1 image #1

Click images for larger versions

Source: Event Hubs