Which Street Fighter 6 characters would you most like to see get a new costume?

Which Street Fighter 6 characters would you most like to see get a new costume?

Vote in our character costume poll

Which Street Fighter 6 characters would you most like to see get a new costume?

Capcom confirmed recently that we were getting new costumes for Street Fighter 6, but they unfortunately would not arrive for the entire cast, and wouldn’t be released until the summer time, later this year.

Since we’re not getting costumes for the entire cast, we’ve set up a poll so that the community can vote on which characters they’d most like to see costumes released for, with the ability to vote for 6 out of the 25 current cast members, at one time.

Capcom confirmed previously that they’ve been working on new character outfits since last year, but that it’s difficult for them to release all of the costumes for every cast member at once due to how long it takes to develop them.

Going further, Capcom noted that they’re going to reassess future Fighting Passes in year 3, with the goal of increasing the amount of items within each Fighting Pass that can be used in the game’s Fighting Ground (Versus, Ranked, etc.) modes.

Capcom noted that they’ve been surprised by the data that shows outfit 3 is very popular thus far.

Vote in our poll below, and let us know who you’d like to see costumes made for first among the currently playable cast.

Source: Event Hubs