Which characters will receive significant buffs or nerfs in Street Fighter 6’s Mai Shiranui patch?

Which characters will receive significant buffs or nerfs in Street Fighter 6’s Mai Shiranui patch?

Which characters will receive significant buffs or nerfs in Street Fighter 6's Mai Shiranui patch?

Every time Street Fighter 6 has had a new DLC character added into the game, balance changes have come packaged with the latest addition to the roster.

Mai Shiranui is scheduled to be released on February 5, 2025, a bit over a week away from today’s date. To help gauge where the community thinks Street Fighter 6’s character balance is at, we’ve set up two polls asking our audience who they think will get significant buffs or nerfs.

While not every character receives numerous changes every patch, it’s fairly common to see notable changes for a good portion of the cast when new DLC characters are added.

The polls are set to close on February 5th, right around when the patch is scheduled to drop and maintenance will begin on Street Fighter 6’s servers and infrastructure.

All 24 of the game’s characters are available to be voted on below in two separate polls, the top for nerfs and the bottom for buffs, and 6 characters can be selected in each poll, to give the audience a larger dataset to reflect upon.

Feel free to explain your votes in the comments below. First off is the poll for who will receive nerfs.

Next up is the poll for who will receive significant buffs.

Source: Event Hubs