"…When The Symbol of Justice is Also Sick And Requires a Life Support".-Nelson A.Osuala

"...When The Symbol of Justice is Also Sick And Requires a Life Support".-Nelson A.Osuala

[31 July 3017]

The picture you are is to my mind, a reflection of the state of our Nation. You can call it an empirico-logical description of the incapacitation of the Nigerian justice system with an extension to the House of Assembly, wherein is filled professional crooks, honest liars, contented thieves, Hypocritical Senators ecetra.

In the picture, we see the Symbol of Justice in a deplorable state of neglect , clamouring for a rescue operation.

A possible reflection of the state of her nation in which her judicial arm is not just morally corrupt but also in a state of ineptitude. A 'sorry ass', a palace of where justice is perverted and greed is a daily routine!

Worse can be said about our leaders in the ivory tower, who abuse the power vested on them in the corridors of power.

This calls for hot tears.. a sober reflection.. let the critically minded patriotic Nigerians take this to heart.

Nelson A.Osuala
Is a Blogger & the Assoc. Editor of negroidhaven.org