When it comes to cosplay there’s so much work that can go into designing, curating, and actually creating the elaborate costumes our favorite fighting game characters wear.
Then there’s the work that can go into trying to make your body actually look like the (often hyperbolic) characters do, which is where our subject today, Carriejune Bowlby, absolutely shines.
Carriejune Anne Bowlby is an American fitness model, influencer, social media celebrity, and perhaps the most in-shape person we’ve ever seen.
She clearly devotes just about every waking moment to the pursuit of success as she’s developed and maintained an Instagram account with over three million followers, a successful apparel business, and a body that legitimately rivals that of Cammy or Chun-Li.
Our first photo sees Bowlby dressed in Cammy’s Street Fighter 5 attire, and we’ll go ahead and point out that, while this is one of the most common cosplays we see in the fighting game space, it’s almost never accurate.
Cammy lost her leg tattoos in SF5 and gained a leg holster, but cosplayers are almost always mixing and matching accessories between versions of Miss White… that’s no the case here:
Next up is Supergirl, who appeared in Injustice 2. The photo is next to a cartoon filter version, but the real life look is easily better in our opinion.
Some of you are going to take some issue with a blonde Chun-Li, and fair enough, but it’s hard to be a stickler about hair color when you have someone whose thighs actually do justice to The Strongest Woman in the World’s.
Also, now that we think about it, didn’t Chun-Li have an alternate color in Street Fighter 5 where she had blonde hair?
Finally, of course there has to be a She-Hulk (who appeared in Marvel vs. Capcom 3) cosplay. You don’t get this buff and not do a She-Hulk.
Chime into the comments with your thoughts and reactions to Carriejune’s cosplay photos here. If you like what you see be sure to add your name to her 3 million+ follower list, and check out her IG page for tons more in the way of inspiring fitness photos.