When the children have been weaponised against their father” Gideon Okeke writes about the father-son relationship and says it is “contingent on the mother

"When the children have been weaponised against their father" Gideon Okeke writes about the father-son relationship and says it is "contingent on the mother"

Gideon Okeke is speaking out again months after crying out that he can’t have unrestricted access to his sons until they are 18. 

In a new Instagram post, the actor said there are three phases in a father’s relationship with his son.  He added that this relationship is “contingent on the mother” and the sons can be “weaponised against their father”. 

He then called on sons to try to humanise their fathers. He also called on “Pharaoh” to let his people go. 


"When the children have been weaponised against their father" Gideon Okeke writes about the father-son relationship and says it is "contingent on the mother"
"When the children have been weaponised against their father" Gideon Okeke writes about the father-son relationship and says it is "contingent on the mother"

This is not the first time Gideon is making a post like this. 

In Jan 2023, Gideon Okeke cried out after the court granted his ex-wife custody of their children and ruled that the actor is only allowed to see his kids at the place where they reside and can’t take them out. 


"When the children have been weaponised against their father" Gideon Okeke writes about the father-son relationship and says it is "contingent on the mother"

Gideon wrote at the time: “When I think of my 18year jail sentence I remember even people on death row get 3 visitations as part of the last living rights and the choice of a planned meal before their execution. people serving life, get visitation even leading up to a conjugal. These are rights laid out for the ones who have wronged society. Whose rightful place is in the gallows. 

“But parental alienation and depravation is an ill punishments upon a father who wants to be there for his sons. But by the Federal Government of my kids affairs… I don’t get custody and yet my visitation rights are restricted, ONLY with the 4 corners of their compound. As in I cant even take them for ICE CREAM. 

“A marriage went south. this is MY L in Lesson.” 


"When the children have been weaponised against their father" Gideon Okeke writes about the father-son relationship and says it is "contingent on the mother"

Then, in April 2023, he called out single mothers who prevent their kids from seeing their fathers. 

He wrote: “Dear single Mother, 

“You didn’t pluck those kids from the trees. 

“You didn’t buy them off the shelves at 

Shoprite. It took 2 of you, in love, to have the privilege of the legacy of Kids, in your life. 

“People go a whole lifetime without this blessings you have on your laps. They are a gift from God. Being an ONLY child myself… 

“I can tell U what women go through to find this gift… for free…by God’s grace. 

“Why you con Dey use this same gift take Dey punish another Man. Or so you thought you were punishing Him. But no! It’s the KIDS 

“Get out of the Way. You’re in the way of Your kids emotional balance. You’re in the way!” 


"When the children have been weaponised against their father" Gideon Okeke writes about the father-son relationship and says it is "contingent on the mother"
"When the children have been weaponised against their father" Gideon Okeke writes about the father-son relationship and says it is "contingent on the mother"
"When the children have been weaponised against their father" Gideon Okeke writes about the father-son relationship and says it is "contingent on the mother"
"When the children have been weaponised against their father" Gideon Okeke writes about the father-son relationship and says it is "contingent on the mother"

At the time, his ex-wife Chidera Uduezue  responded, “If I start to talk! Hmmmmm.. 

“There will be no holding back. 

“Because the millipede that was stomped on did not scream, but the foot that stomped on it keeps screaming ‘my foot, my foot'(it’s sweeter in Igbo sha, but, you get the gist lol). 

“But my people say that, ‘Adiro ibuo ayi ala’, so I’ll be the bigger person, as ALWAYS and keep living life.” 


"When the children have been weaponised against their father" Gideon Okeke writes about the father-son relationship and says it is "contingent on the mother"

Gideon and Chidera had their traditional wedding in December 2018 and their church wedding in April 21, 2019. The union produced two sons and they announced their separation in 2022, after 3 years of marriage.
