When Are You Going To Actually Fight?
By: Joseph M. Lenard
Originally published on August 9th, 2018 – Before Its News piece titled: “Conservatives…. TEAParty activists…. When/Where are you willing to Stand and Fight?” with TLB exclusive updates.
Anyone else as frustrated as I am to see/hear… Some folks that are jumping up and down screaming they will Fight to the Death for Conservatism on Tuesday, that quickly and completely sell out on Wednesday…. That’s OK, I’ll be the “Bad Guy” and the one that says what many Think but aren’t comfortable enough to honestly say aloud.
Yes, I know, I’ve been told many times I should be more “diplomatic” but I have to look myself in the mirror and demand honesty of myself, and of others, foolishly thinking I could/might get that honesty! Are you not yet fed-up with the “compromising” being always a one-way street and that you (Conservatives) are always expected to be the ones on the compromising end/side (to the GOP Establishment Democrat-lite CINOs)?
Let me say in advance: Sorry, to some that may take offense thinking I’m referring to them when I am not (as for every Rule there can be an exception and despite sticking to/with #PrinciplesNotPersonalities YES indeed sometimes one has to “compromise” on some things – to give, to get; what/where is issue is CINOs and RINOs constantly surrender to Left and never get anything in return only “compromise” on our side never from The Left). I am very Proud to have fought, and to Fight, alongside you! Unfortunately, the ones who it really is about won’t bother to give it/this a second thought – they are comfortable waffling in the breeze on a day to day basis surrendering their supposed Principles!
You know the folks… The one’s who say – this is not the Hill to Fight on… But you know/notice, for many there never comes a Hill that they ever feel worthy of standing ground and Fighting on! There is a big distinction from being willing to, time to time, be reasonable, and compromise, versus that of those always waiving the White Flag of Surrender. It’s always “next time for sure” but every “next time” is another excuse why not to bother again this time! It’s always, we just don’t have the numbers, but how do you ever expect anyone to come and reinforce your ranks and Fight along-side you when they see you will most assuredly just Surrender again. It is always things could be different if more would Fight, but their example is to never really Fight themselves (hardly encouraging and inviting for others they demand must join the Fight to actually join the Fight)!
I joined the GOP in 1979, as a Reagan Conservative, cuz I believe in the things our Party Platform claims we stand for, not to ever be a Tax/Spend, Liberal, Socialist, Democrat-lite, RINO/CINO, that the majority in our Party actually represent! #IWillNeverSellOutNoMatterHowOftenTheyDemandMeTo (again, occasional give to get, sure, but again NEVER join the always “Sell-Out Caucus” crew.
If your response to the known Voter-Fraud in 2020 is to SIT OUT 2022 [now, 2024], THEN YOU ARE A MORON! We must turn-out in such overwhelming numbers, that they cannot even STEAL THE NEXT ELECTION trying to Cheat. But why would they Cheat, if MORONS won’t #GOTV (Get Out The Vote), they can Win w/o #Fraud. #SpecialKindOfSTUPID and if you go away the CINOs/RINOs/FASCICRATS Win by default, and you are a Sucker that did exactly (just Surrender, go away, leave them in control) what they were wanting and sadly knowing many would do.
Let’s just pretend that 160 million people did vote in last Election, there are 330-million-ish U. S. Citizens in USA (but, yes, of course, not all are of age to Vote)… It is reported that between 50-60% OF ALL CHRISTIANS are STILL NOT VOTING (most of which are Conservatives, likely Constitutionalists [sadly many that would qualify as what I coined as “ChristiTutionalist” folks now], except for the FAKE CHRISTIANS like Biden, Pelosi, et al)! There are plenty of folks that have not got off their asses yet and are still part of the problem.
As the Canadian Rock group RUSH tune says: If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice —- or, let me add: allowed one to be FORCED UPON YOU! [see that and so many other important and relevant to our times Quotes (Quotations chapter) in my CTP2 book dropping June 1st 2024]
Stop the stupid, get off your asses – not only just Vote, but be actually politically active 365 days, every year (not just election years) or the Fascicrats and RINOs will always have their way!!!
Stop the stupid, get off your asses! [Yes, needed repeating]
YOU, if you are already involved, must become even more involved.
YOU must be a delegate, register other Conservatives [ChristiTutionalist folks] to Vote and be prepared to encourage them and even help offer to drive them to Polls on Election day, if need be, to GOTV and/or possibly be a Poll Inspector yourself (to prevent fraud at the Polls, Inspector not Poll-Challenger)! More on that and the Michigan forms via our MICD12GOP website which I am the Webmaster of (other States’ forms easily found via DuckDuckGo).
[End previously published content, continues with current updates TLB exclusives]
Original “God and Guns + Sports” Show…
VIDEO (1 h 00m 02s): CTP S1E21 God & Guns Video BTS/SP
Regardless of who Wins the White-House in 2024, the next Congress (if GOP retains control) MUST HAVE Public Hearings on (and see back to “Norton v Shelby” info) proper Constitutionality and/or Congressional continued authorization of any and all Alphabet-Agencies! PERIOD! As well as Federally funded Programs. Does not matter if costs $10,000 or $10,000,000, or $10,000,000,000 or nearing/exceeding $1-Trillion funding of our Tax dollars, should be reviewed/examined and ONE PAGE LEGISLATION for up/down Vote for each and every UNCONSTITUTIONAL or not worthy of Funding to TERMINATE SAID OFFICE/FUNDING and Firing of any/all such/said Agency or Department.
VIDEO (40m 07s): CTP (S1E8) “Norton V Shelby” BehindTheScenes peek @ 8/12/23 CTP show
At ONE TIME one could argue “desire” (versus our real and Constitutional allowed “needs” and get away with “sneaking it through”) for our Federal Government to directly fund a TV (PBS) or Radio (NPR) back when there were “limited” or “NO” options (often in Rural areas) but in our modern times with Streaming anything and everything can be found anywhere! NPR and PBS, do not care “what small percentage of our overall ‘Budget’ they are” MUST BE DEFUNDED – let them stand or fall on their own merits – and all those “littler items” will add up to significant dollars we can no longer afford to borrow (running deficits and debt) to maintain. Just like now trying to claim NET NEUTRALITY is a “need” and using it as Trojan-Horse for more Federal Powers (no, and Fed. Govt. has ZERO AUTHORITY to have anything to do with Private companies wiring of Broadband which is the excuse they use for money-laundering and more-so CONTROL over it all).
VIDEO (19m 02s): CTP 20240113 S1E30 NetNeutrality Segment-1 SneakPeak/BehindTheScenes Video Raw
Like the HWBush “NO NEW TAXES” pledge broken, more broken promises, they never learn, WE must hold them accountable. ENOUGH!
McCarthy had to go, we finally had people step up and be counted and demanded change and I stood by them. I have been somewhat reluctant to now call for ousting of Johnson BUT THAT HAS CHANGED (as, yes, we only have a 1 seat majority right now, we again HAD THE LEVERAGE knowing damn well he was going to use majority Fascicrats Votes and some CINOs/RINOs and Speaker Johnson REFUSED to use the leverage to force at least something regarding OUR OWN BORDER in Bills about other Nations’ Border battles)! Enough, CALL TO VACATE CHAIR AGAIN! Frankly I do not care if then the US House basically SHUTS DOWN ALL OPERATIONS until next year to argue and battling back-and-forth and hold Votes from now until the November Election or even all way to Jan 21 2025 when NEW CONGRESS will be seated – SHUT IT ALL DOWN, getting ZERO BUSINESS DONE is better than all this bullshit continuing to CAVE TO THE LEFT PRIORITIES manure.
About the Author: Joseph M. Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair) and others. Joseph is a current content provider at Before It’s News and The Liberty Beacon. He is also the Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”!
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
author: Terror Strikes (buy)
Former 12CDRC, Wayne12, WCRC, Committees member
W12 Newsletter Editor Wayne-12CDRC Newsletter
MICD12GOP MI 12th CDRC Webmaster
Taylor (MI) Republicans Club TRC Michigan Webmaster
Terror Strikes book (B4IN write-up)Image Credit: Graphic in Featured Image (top) – by geert Roeffen from Pixabay
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Terror Strikes video Trailer:
(Click on image to find out more)
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