When a woman loves you, she will control you. You are her first child

When a woman loves you, she will control you. You are her first child - Clergyman Emmanuel Okose tells men (video)

Nigerian clergyman, Emmanuel Okose, has stated that when a woman genuinely loves a man, she would control him because she sees him as her “first child. ”


In a video posted online, the clergyman said ;

 ‘’If a woman genuinely loves you, she will control you. One of the biggest foolishness that a lot of men do is that they ignore the advice of a woman that loves them. When a woman loves you, she will never advice you to fail, she will stand as a mother, as a hen that covers her children. You are her first child. Arrogant man! You are her first child. Listen to a woman that loves you. They can never lead you wrong.”

watch the video of him speaking below…


