What’s the greatest character select theme of all time? Maximilian rates them all

The correct answer, by the way, is Killer Instinct 2

What's the greatest character select theme of all time? Maximilian rates them all

It can get to the point where we may not even consciously perceive them because of how many hours we’ve logged into any given fighting game, but some of the character select screen themes from over the last 30 years have become absolute, iconic bangers.

There are others, however, that really don’t get the blood flowing, and Maximilian is rating most all of them in his recent video. Which themes get perfect 10’s and which are trash? Continue on to find out.

This is an especially fun experience for those of us who have been enjoying fighters for the last 30 years or so, as blasts from the past like the early Mortal Kombats, Killer Instincts, and Street Fighters are nostalgically sweet.

On a personal note, I have to say that Killer Instinct 2 (KI Gold for those of you Nintendo 64 kids) is easily the most invigorating of this bunch for me. Which of these is the most iconic, though?

It probably comes down to a duel between Marvel vs. Capcom 2’s ear worm Take You For a Ride and the epic entire song devoted to the idea of picking a fighting game character from rapper Infinite from Third Strike.

See what Max and his co-host Steve (who also goes by the handle “Infinite,” but no relation) rate each and every one of these tracks (there are nearly 80) and let us know which ones you think are the best in the comments afterwards.
