'WHAT'S ON MY MIND?' Being an awesome love letter from a Calabar lady

'WHAT'S ON MY MIND?' Being an awesome love letter from a Calabar lady
Love-smitten Awesomeness
22 June 2019 
Miss Awesomness has just scribbled an emotionally ladenned love letter to her anonymous lover. 

The 11 paragraph letter attempts to express an awesome experience obviously difficult to describe. You can even feel the pulse of the love-beaten duckling as she racks her vocabulary to articulate an intangible, young experience… 

You won’t get disappointed reading her… Love must be a beautiful reality. 
Sometimes I think that the adequate words to express all my feelings for you do not exist, but I hope that when you read this message you can feel the immense love I have for you. 
Since I had your love, every day has turned into unique moments with great significance for the two of us and that allow us to strengthen this beautiful feeling, called love, between the two of us. 
I perfectly remember the day in which I saw you for the first time. I perfectly understood that we’ll make good friends. Albeit I never knew that we’ll become lovers who are willing to explore life together. 
Your cuteness dumbfounds me. you also have beautiful feelings in your heart and as if that were not enough, you are also very intelligent and have a great sense of humor that makes me feel incredibly happy with you. 
Our bodies haven’t touch each other in an intense way but our hearts convey the intense and deep intimacy we share. Through our hearts, we behold each others eyes, we inhale each other’s breath…. Only our heart understand the lyrics our lips sing when they touch each other.
I can say without doubt that our love will transcend the threshold of time and will last all eternity as long as we’re willing.
I can still remember all those crazy things you did to show me all of your love and how you never gave up, the days you’ll tell me “I love you and there’s nothing you can do about it”
“you have given me a space in your heart and I ain’t gonna leave no matter what” slowly and steadily you planted a seed of love in my heart. I remember days I’ll say “Ufan what are you doing to my heart” and you’ll say nothing “I only found a home in your heart and that’s where I want to dwell”. 
You have nurtured that seed in me and it has and is still growing. The glow I see in your eyes tells me that your feelings for me are real. When we speak too, your words convey love that I can trust. 
I love you with all the strength of my being and I am completely confident that there is no man in this world that is more attractive than you, that has such an amazing intelligence and above all a heart full of the most wonderful feelings, which makes me fall in love for you every day all over again.
I know our love story is just beginning, but my heart tells me that this is just the beginning of the most beautiful time of our lives and to think that we just got started is amazing to me.
Let us love each other with all our strength and never stop fighting for this beautiful relationship we’ve begun and that has transformed us completely. Until we become the cutest couple the world has ever seen.
©Awesomeness Esuabana