‘What should I wear to my assessment centre?’

‘What should I wear to my assessment centre?’

Workwear dilemma for TC hopeful

In our latest Career Conundrum, a law student wants your advice on what to wear to the office.

“Hey! I’ve just secured an assessment centre at a law firm (eek!), and I’m beyond excited but also super nervous. I know this could be my chance to get onto my first ever vac scheme. But — I have no clue what to wear! I’ve heard that law firms are generally quite formal, but then I see stories about how some places are adopting a more ‘business casual’ dress code. I don’t want to look like I’m trying too hard, but I definitely don’t want to look too casual or unprofessional either.

Should I go full blouse and blazer? Would a smart top with black trousers be enough? Do shoes really matter as much as people say they do? I don’t come from a background where I’ve needed ‘business wear’ before, so I’m also a bit worried about looking out of place if I don’t get it right.

Would really appreciate any advice from those who’ve been through this process or know the industry well — what should I wear to my assessment centre?

Thanks in advance!”

If you have a career conundrum, email us at tips@legalcheek.com.

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Source: Legal Cheek