FBI with First Lady having fun |
27 September 2018
Culturally, the woman plays the-hard-to-get, the-give-me-some-time-let-me-think-about-it and the-if-you-love-me-come-pursue-me… Initially men don’t care. We pursue. It’s part of who we are.
We do the pursuing. We read ladies’ minds and give them surprises… But they don’t read our minds when we want a hug, a kiss, a this, a that… We have to ask before it can be given unto us, we have to beg before we can get…
Then, somewhere along the line… We don’t really get tired. We don’t get bored. We just get starved… Starved of a certain kind of love… A certain kind of romance… A certain kind of affection.
All the hugs, kisses, sex (delete), that we have gotten have been a product of our request. We want that hug that our woman requested for. We want that kiss that was her initiative.
We want that sex (delete) that we pretend we don’t want. That one you were dying to have which we were “unwilling” to participate. Oh, how we want that one!
Men also want to be pursued. To be wanted. Somewhere in our chubby manliness we also want to play hard-to-get… Do you get?
A hug is different from a hug. A kiss is different from a kiss. There can be two shades of the same bad. Both can be freely given.
But the difference is whether it was given on request or initiated by the giver… To the utmost enjoyment of the giver and the givee.
Ok, which one do men love most? The three. The three? I thought you were talking about two. No there are three.
He ask and you submit, totally. Mindblowing.
He ask and you say “No”… He begs and gets it now or later… Mindblowing. The age and level of the relationship determines the complexion of this second mindblowing.
He doesn’t ask, you just give him… Give him… Oh… Mindblowing. Females who give this type of mindblowing are rare.
Caveat: only men who have been tested and trusted with the second mindblowing deserves the third.
—Firsts Baba Isa (FBI) …Nigeria’s Most Romantic Lawyer (MRL)