In the Germ of life, every need have its corresponding purpose and time, but the limitations to reach these needs is stored up in the heart of impossibilities. Scarcity is man’s creation to hoard. Hoarding creates greed, doubt, fear and animosity.
In time, to meet a set of needs, the Dinosaur was formed, to meet another, the Butterfly. Before it got to the time of man, we see the unlimited resourcefulness displaced by our creator in a thousand ways.
To escape the dangers in the water, land was sought. Pursued on land, it took to air. To breathe in the sea, it developed gills, stranded on land, it perfected lungs. To meet one kind of danger, it grew fur. In temperate climes, hair. Subject to alternate heat and cold, it produced feathers. But ever from the beginning, it showed it’s power to meet every changing condition, to answer every creature’s need.
If it has been possible to kill this life Germ, it would have perished ages ago, when fire and flood, drought and famine followed each other in quick succession. But obstacles, misfortune, cataclysms, were to it merely new opportunities to assert its power. In fact, it required obstacles to awaken it, to show its energy and resource.
Cross Riverians, as all the monster beasts of antiquity, passed on. Life principle stayed. Changing as each age changed, always developing, always improving.
Call this “Principle of life Germ,” Nature, call it Providence, call it what you will, rising to meet every need in life, requires your positive efforts, desire and conviction, faith and believe in whatever you put your mind to.
God never made the abundance of environment to suffocate man, rather to expand man’s knowledge in sorting for the best means to reach his needs. Early industrialist, met so much iron, and built and program their world to be iron driven, today iron is replaced with plastic and we have a Plastic driven world.
Today we have the Scarp Agency, because man in his wastage during time of plenty, have to revolutionize his thought system to recycle as desirable materials became limited or too far or hoarded by greed.
In like manner today, Governor Ayade dream lofty dreams, our ability to recognise these lofty dreams as our needs, shows this is the corresponding time and purpose of this dream. And as we dream along, so shall we become.
“Our vision is the promise of what we shall one day be; our ideal stored strongly in these dreams is the prophesy of what we shall at last unveil.”
My steps are getting stronger by day, my sight getting brighter and my hopes are beginning to be galvanised with fulfilment.
If we therefore regard the fulfilment of our purpose as contingent upon any circumstance, past, present or future, we are not making use of first cause. We have descended to the level of secondary causation, which is the region of doubts fears and limitations.
Do not let a minute of your breathe for impossibilities, alibis and excuses of no money. You can draw money with ideas. Our deep seaport and superhighway are ideas drawing money for themselves.
“When you think it, you can make it.”