Twas an embarrassing afternoon when I was walking along MCC Road by Mobil yesterday. I was just walking lackadaisically when I felt a grope on my thigh, it was so uncalled for turning to see a kid conjuring cry from her eyes. First, it was pitiful but when I looked up, I saw a bunch of women with kids of her age directing them to follow people to beg. I then realized that I was been looped, so I have to chase the kid away, although she insisted to follow on. But when I shouted on top of my voice, that’s when she drew back and then I noticed her people around still directing her to the next coming lady. Immediately she jump over and started with her crocodile tears again with the young lady. Now I realized this has happened several times to me along Mary Slessor Avenue about 4years ago. But why they still incarnate is what baffles me till now.
Be careful when you come across these people, because they can turn to even rob and dupe you. For when I ask one the parents to come with me for I have someone to give them a good Job so they can earn well to take care of their families, but they said no and started rendering all kinds of talks calling me wicked person. How could an able person with complete human system being so lazy and enjoys begging. Anyways, I heard a lot of them beg to build houses and buy cars. It therefore means they don’t only enjoy begging, but they make money from it.
My concern is that the government should chase them away to keep the people safe since they ain’t from around here, even Nigeria may be.