When a name is given by the Igbos in Nigeria to a newborn baby, the name usually has a meaning. It may have to do with circumstances surrounding the birth of that child, a name one has heard before that has a meaning they relate to or prophetic words into the life of that child.
My first name means “All things belong to God” and my middle name means “A child is a shade/covering”. I imagine that the second name was born of prophetic words from my parents
Did you know that the names of God all have meaning? Each is relevant to the different situations that you could find yourself in. He is Elohim, our creator. He made the heavens and the earth and all that is in it.
He created us and knows every intricate part of us. He is El Elyon, the Mighty God, El-Shaddai, the Almighty. He is bigger than all the situations, circumstances and problems you have in your life. Everything pales in comparison to the presence of God. There is no one like Him nor is there any that could ever begin to compare with Him.
He is El-Roi, the God who sees. He sees your tears, He knows you by name, and even more than that, the Bible says He saves those tears in His bottle. He is Jehovah Raah, our shepherd. Guiding us like a shepherd does, asking us to just listen to Him and follow Him.
He is Abba, our Father. He is not just God, He is our Daddy, loving us so much more than we can ever imagine. He is Jehovah Jireh, our provider, able to provide us with more than we can ever imagine or ask for in our wildest dreams. He is Jehovah Rapha, our healer. There is no disease God cannot heal.
He is Jehovah Nissi, our banner, our victory. He had already won it all when Jesus died on the cross. He is Jehovah Shammah, He is there. Present with us. Never leaving us or forsaking us. In fact, He said He has engraved us in the palms of His hands.
Would you want God to manifest in your life in all these ways His names show that He can and is eager to? You just need to ask Him. He is eager to have a close relationship with you. Just ask Him today. He awaits your call, for you to invite Him in. I pray that you take that bold step today. It’s the best thing you could ever do in this life.
– Nwando Aligwekwe contributed from Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Disclaimer: This article is entirely the opinion of the writer and does not represent the views of The Whistler.